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UploadedJul 6, 2010
Size6.82 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.5
r5 | cyprias | 2010-07-06 11:52:47 +0000 (Tue, 06 Jul 2010) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/core.lua
Hooked GetInventoryItemLink and returning fake bag link when at guild bank.
Hooked GetInventoryItemTexture and returning fake bag texture when at guild bank.
Hooked GetNumBankSlots and returns GetNumGuildBankTabs() when at guild bank.
r4 | cyprias | 2010-07-05 11:15:21 +0000 (Mon, 05 Jul 2010) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/core.lua
Fake ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED, PLAYERBANKSLOTS_CHANGED & BAG_UPDATE events fire with container and slot IDs now. I think they're firing just like normal bank events fire now.
There's a issue where Reagent Restocker stops midway threw it's deposit/withdraw cycle. Switching tabs seems to start it up again. Gotta figure out why.
r3 | cyprias | 2010-07-04 11:36:44 +0000 (Sun, 04 Jul 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk
A /trunk/.pkgmeta
A /trunk/embeds.xml
Added pkgmeta to pull libs to libs folder.
r2 | cyprias | 2010-07-04 10:54:04 +0000 (Sun, 04 Jul 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /trunk/GuildBankSpoofer.toc
A /trunk/core.lua
Initial commit
r1 | root | 2010-07-04 10:50:49 +0000 (Sun, 04 Jul 2010) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /branches
A /tags
A /trunk
"guildbankspoofer/mainline: Initial Import"