This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Guild Map shows the location on the map of your guild members who are also using this mod.
This is an update of GuildMap2 by MartijnHoekstra (an update of GuildMap by Bru) which is being maintained for WoW version 3.0 and up.
I'm getting errors and no idea why. My guildmates report no problems with the mod and we all use essentially the same mod set. I've shut everything but this mod off and still get the errors.It still shows guild member locations but whenever I mouse onver to see names I get an error. Posted a ticket with the errors at wowace link you listed.
You are all welcome to this mod. Please, please, please, open a ticket on the project page if you find an error. I reccomend !Swatter from the site. Or WoWAce's own Bug Sac for getting usefull info from any errors.
I will be attempting to update this mod to use the Ace3 libs which are currently still being updated instead of the outdated version 2 libs it uses now. If it breaks, I really need to know.
Assuming all goes well in the future I'll be better able to improve on the mod, so far I've just been able to catch the bugs and hit them over the head with a hammer.
I will be attempting to update this mod to use the Ace3 libs which are currently still being updated instead of the outdated version 2 libs it uses now. If it breaks, I really need to know.
Assuming all goes well in the future I'll be better able to improve on the mod, so far I've just been able to catch the bugs and hit them over the head with a hammer.