Left-click on rares to open up the group finder searching for them by name (thanks znf)
Many more treasures in Argus (thanks znf)
You know what, Broken Shore too. Bit out of order, but there we go.
Changed in v12
TOC for 7.3
Rares on Argus, still mostly missing treasures
Include Dog's pebble in Dalaran, if you've done the quests to have Dog available in your garrison
Missing chest in Val'sharah
Missing chest in Highmountain
Changed in v11
TOC for 7.2
Added the Wand of Simulated Life in Dalaran
Added post-Snowblind battle treasure in Highmountain
Darkpens treasures were mixed up
Watchman's Rock chest in Stormheim explained better
Changed in v10
Don't show minimap icons if you have the treasure map buff for that zone active.
Missing items in Val'sharah and Azsuna.
Missing rare in Azsuna: The Muscle.
Changed in v9
TOC for 7.1.
Include Emerald Winds, even though it's not technically a treasure.
Some helpful notes clarifying positions.
Missing Suramar treasure.
Changed in v8
Added more treasures to Suramar.
More entrances in Highmountain, also finally all the parts of the slow fall toy.
Fixed some treasures in Val'sharah, and noted some places where phasing requirements exist.
Fixed the Temple of Fal'adora marker on the Suramar surface so it won't vanish until you've gotten both the treasures below it.
Changed in v7
Tweaked the rare icon size.
Highmountain got a number of cave entrances marked.
Added more notes / fixes. (Thanks to: LaoTseu, Victaliaa. Ssateneth, DKong27)
Changed in v6
Added rares to all zones, because I got tired of people complaining and it's not like I don't have the dataset available from SilverDragon.
Added more Highmountain grapple points.
Made grapple point icon more visible.
Changed in v5
Show item previews in an attached tooltip rather than squeezing them into the main tooltip.
Change the item-icon setting default to false, and have it affect achievement icons and currency icons as well. Makes for a more legible map, on the whole.
Given their rarity in this expansion, give nodes with an actual item a special icon.
Separate nodes added for cave entrances / grapple points leading to treasures.
Fixes in Stormheim.
Changed in v4
Fixes to treasures in Azsuna, Val'sharah, and Stormheim.
Debug option for bug reporters: "show quest id".
Changed in v3
Lots of new treasures in: Stormheim, Suramar
A few missing treasures in: Azsuna, Highmountain, Val'sharah
Fixed Demon Hunter starting vault treasures to only display on the correct floors.
Changed in v2
Fix the default icons, since Blizzard changed ObjectIconsAtlas around.
Changed in v1
Initial dataset: limited coverage of all Legion zones.
Special handling for artifact-power as a fake currency, rather than just adding in a random power item.