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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 11.1.0
Changes in v41
- Updated for 11.1.0
- Bring in systems improvements from my War Within plugin
Changes in v40
- Show where using the Adept's Guide to Dimensional Rifting will take you each day
Changes in v39
- A few minor Suramar data improvements
- Don't error when drawing an impossibly short route segment on the minimap, as could happen with some grapple points
Changes in v38
- Bring in systems improvements from my War Within plugin, notably:
- You can click on points to highlight them and their related points and routes
- Better pre-caching of data so that the first time you open the map it's less likely to be missing transmog information
- Lootless NPCs will no longer show with the only-transmog-available color
- Tightened up the wording of the right-click menu
- Fixed a bug when mousing over some of the Blizzard provided world map vignettes that I'm adding loot to
Changes in v37
- Bring in systems improvements from my War Within plugin, notably:
- Redesign of the settings and menus
- Filters for rares and treasure so you can choose to show only "notable" ones, which you can configure
- Color the rare icons to show whether they've got any of those notable things on them -- purple for unknown transmog, blue for more exclusive things
- Setting for whether to track transmog by shared appearance, or from the specific item (the previous behavior)
- Support for MapPinEnhanced when setting waypoints
Changes in v36
Consolidate data from my other Legion-related HandyNotes plugins to here:
- Higher Dimensional Learning
- Kosumoth
- Long Forgotten Hippogryph
- Suramar Leylines
- Suramar Telemancy
- Withered Army Training
Changes in v35
- Update for 11.0.0
- Minor data improvements on Argus
Changes in v34
- Update for 10.2.0
- Fix Matron Foluna's areaPOI
- Bring in updates to the handler code from HandyNotes: Dragonflight Treasures:
- Avoid some possible tooltip errors with other addons
- Minimap routes should respect display settings
- New config "only show notable NPCs": enable and rares will only be shown if they've got something for you (achievements or transmogs)
Changes in v33
- Update for 10.0.5
- Add the Argus world bosses
- Desmond's Lockbox in Dalaran should be restricted to Rogues
- Prevent errors from incompletely-updated tooltip addons
Changes in v32
- Add the locations for the Anomalous Animals of Argus achievement
- Bring in updates to the handler code from HandyNotes: Dragonflight Treasures:
- Avoid some unusual errors when checking achievement criteria
- Use Blizzard waypoints if they're available and TomTom isn't installed
- New menu item: make a waypoint for all related points
- Routes can now appear on the minimap
Changes in v31
- Updated for 10.0.2
Changes in v30.1
- Fix an error with GetPlayerAuraBySpellID
Changes in v30
- Updated for 10.0.0
Changes in v29
- Use LibUIDropDownMenu-4.0 to avoid the taint mess of UIDropDownMenu
- Just use the TOC title for the tooltips
- Show a tooltip on the map icon
- Don't create the point dropdown until it's needed
- Label for criteria=true case should show achievement name
Changes in v28
- Updated for 9.2.7
Changes in v27
- Some cosmetic items were incorrectly saying they wouldn't drop for anyone
Changes in v26
- Updated for 9.2.5, fixing errors about C_TransmogCollection
- Bring in updates to the handler code from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- Better labels for tooltip loot, showing item types
- Option for loot only for your current character
- Show more information about loading-items in tooltips if possible
- Register the overlay in Krowi_WorldMapButtons-1.3 if it's present
- Include Taintless
Changes in v25
- Fixed a few Argus points, made them show on the minimap
- Bring in updates to the handler code from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- Paths will now highlight their associated route when you mouse over them
- Minor performance improvement: code checking whether you could learn an appearance from an item wasn't caching negative results and so was running more than it needed to
- You can hide all points related to an achievement from the right-click menu
Changes in v24
- Pull in a lot of handler changes from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures
- Add missed loot and fix a few loot errors (mostly legendaries that had crept in)
- Add some missed rares to Antoran Wastes, and mark Orix the All-Seer
- Two of the Marius and Tehd encounters in Azsuna had the wrong achievement criteria
Changes in v23
- Update for 9.2
Changes in v22
- Update for 9.1
- Datamined for missing drops
Changes in v21
- Added a bunch of missing achievement data, mostly around rares
- Pick up fixes and improvements from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- Treasures/Rares which drop collectable loot can be told to count as complete if you've got their drop
- Treasures/Rares which are part of an achievement can be told to count as complete if you've got the achievement, regardless of their quest status
- Changed how tooltips anchor on the map
Changes in v20
- Made dog's pebble in Dalaran less obtrusive
- Pick up fixes and improvements from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures:
- You can now toggle off the button on the world map
Changes in v19
- Pick up fixes and improvements from HandyNotes: Shadowlands Treasures
Changes in v18
- Bumped TOC for 9.0.2
- Options for showing/hiding points in particular zones
- Optimize some checks by using GetPlayerAuraBySpellID
Changes in v17
- Updated for Shadowlands
Changes in v16
- Migrate to the new uiMapId system finally; fixes various areas which were showing icons on the wrong level of a map
- Clean up some Demon Hunter starting experience treasures
Changes in v15
- Updated for 8.1.5's tooltip changes.
Changes in v14
- Flagged all the non-achievement Argus treasure chests as junk, and hid them by default
- New config options: show/hide icons on the world map or minimap, and show/hide treasure
- Achievement criteria based labels display better
- Fixed some world map tooltip issues
- Fixed TomTom right click integration
Changed in v13
- Updated for 8.0.1
- Left-click on rares to open up the group finder searching for them by name (thanks znf)
- Many more treasures in Argus (thanks znf)
- Missing from Azsuna
- You know what, Broken Shore too. Bit out of order, but there we go.
Changed in v12
- TOC for 7.3
- Rares on Argus, still mostly missing treasures
- Include Dog's pebble in Dalaran, if you've done the quests to have Dog available in your garrison
- Missing chest in Val'sharah
- Missing chest in Highmountain
Changed in v11
- TOC for 7.2
- Added the Wand of Simulated Life in Dalaran
- Added post-Snowblind battle treasure in Highmountain
- Darkpens treasures were mixed up
- Watchman's Rock chest in Stormheim explained better
Changed in v10
- Don't show minimap icons if you have the treasure map buff for that zone active.
- Missing items in Val'sharah and Azsuna.
- Missing rare in Azsuna: The Muscle.
Changed in v9
- TOC for 7.1.
- Include Emerald Winds, even though it's not technically a treasure.
- Some helpful notes clarifying positions.
- Missing Suramar treasure.
Changed in v8
- Added more treasures to Suramar.
- More entrances in Highmountain, also finally all the parts of the slow fall toy.
- Fixed some treasures in Val'sharah, and noted some places where phasing requirements exist.
- Fixed the Temple of Fal'adora marker on the Suramar surface so it won't vanish until you've gotten both the treasures below it.
Changed in v7
- Tweaked the rare icon size.
- Highmountain got a number of cave entrances marked.
- Added more notes / fixes. (Thanks to: LaoTseu, Victaliaa. Ssateneth, DKong27)
Changed in v6
- Added rares to all zones, because I got tired of people complaining and it's not like I don't have the dataset available from SilverDragon.
- Added more Highmountain grapple points.
- Made grapple point icon more visible.
Changed in v5
- Show item previews in an attached tooltip rather than squeezing them into the main tooltip.
- Change the item-icon setting default to false, and have it affect achievement icons and currency icons as well. Makes for a more legible map, on the whole.
- Given their rarity in this expansion, give nodes with an actual item a special icon.
- Separate nodes added for cave entrances / grapple points leading to treasures.
- Fixes in Stormheim.
Changed in v4
- Fixes to treasures in Azsuna, Val'sharah, and Stormheim.
- Debug option for bug reporters: "show quest id".
Changed in v3
- Lots of new treasures in: Stormheim, Suramar
- A few missing treasures in: Azsuna, Highmountain, Val'sharah
- Fixed Demon Hunter starting vault treasures to only display on the correct floors.
Changed in v2
- Fix the default icons, since Blizzard changed ObjectIconsAtlas around.
Changed in v1
- Initial dataset: limited coverage of all Legion zones.
- Special handling for artifact-power as a fake currency, rather than just adding in a random power item.
Changed in v0.1
- Initial framework for display.