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    Nov 18, 2014
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  • 6.0.3


David Lynch:
    - The horde can get a garrison too, I suppose
    - Another outcast relic ntoe
    - Can remove 'needs archaeology?' from sun-touched cache
    - Note that the glowing obsidian shard may be missing
    - Note on smuggled apexis artifacts
    - More notes: outcast relic, spectator chest
    - Faction-specific treasures
    - Exact coordinates on Admiral Taylor's chest
    - Coinbender's payment: apparently only gold
    - Note on a relics of the outcasts
    - Note on discarded pack
    - Note on evermorn supply
    - Note on strange old dagger
    - Notes about the Vindicator's Hammer
    - Found a strange spore in Gorgrond. Doesn't count towards treasure hunter.
    - Laughing Skull Cache note
    - Correct the position of pile of rubble
    - Note on sasha's secret stash
    - Ironwine note
    - Note a bugged treasure
    - Some notes on the shadowmoon fortress treasures