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1x ...aceBlizzard_MapCanvas/Blizzard_MapCanvas.lua:170: attempt to call method 'OnAcquired' (a nil value)[string "@Blizzard_MapCanvas/Blizzard_MapCanvas.lua"]:170: in function `AcquirePin'[string "@HandyNotes/Libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua"]:451: in function `HandlePin'[string "@HandyNotes/Libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua"]:391: in function `RefreshAllData'[string "@HandyNotes/Libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua"]:494: in function <...yNotes/Libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua:493>[string "@HandyNotes/Libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua"]:524: in function <...yNotes/Libs/HereBeDragons/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua:510>
Locals:self = WorldMapFrame { expandedMapInsetsByMapID = <table> { } pinNudgingDirty = true ZoneDropdown = WorldMapZoneDropdown { } minimizedHeight = 438 lockReasons = <table> { } MiniBorderFrame = Frame { } callbackTables = <table> { } pinPools = <table> { } dataProviderEventsCount = <table> { } mouseClickHandlers = <table> { } pinTemplateTypes = <table> { } maximizedWidth = 1024 maximizedHeight = 768 activeAreaTriggers = <table> { } MaximizeMinimizeFrame = Frame { } MinimapDropdown = WorldMapZoneMinimapDropdown { } mapArtID = 970 areDetailLayersDirty = true minimizedWidth = 610 debugAreaTriggers = false pinFrameLevelsManager = <table> { } pinsToNudge = <table> { } dataProviders = <table> { } detailLayerPool = <table> { } isUndefinedEventAllowed = true MaxMinButtonFrame = Frame { } BorderFrame = Frame { } ScrollContainer = ScrollFrame { } BlackoutFrame = Frame { } mapID = 947 ContinentDropdown = WorldMapContinentDropdown { }}pinTemplate = "HereBeDragonsPinsTemplate"pin = Frame { owningMap = WorldMapFrame { } pinTemplate = "HereBeDragonsPinsTemplate"}newPin = false(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = Frame { owningMap = WorldMapFrame { } pinTemplate = "HereBeDragonsPinsTemplate"}(*temporary) = NWBDMFContinent { tooltip = NWBDMFContinentTooltip { } texture = Texture { }}(*temporary) = 0.190890(*temporary) = 0.556437(*temporary) = "TOOLTIP"(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'OnAcquired' (a nil value)"
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