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"Some sort of "Store this DKP value as default for this item" option would be cool to find in the upcoming popup dialog.So that the value field is already filled out with the default value when the item is looted again."
Original enhancement request by boergen2 (June 13, 2008)
Store configured DKP values for specific pieces of loot so the pricing is automatically filled in the next time that item is looted. A more advanced implementation would be to store all DKP prices that were ever configured for an item and display the stored prices as a dropdown textfield with the most recently configured price listed as the default.
as an update on this ticket it would be great to be able to set a default price for general drops and a different one for set item tokens
A similar thing would be to also allow people to 'pre-load' prices via lua data file, in the users WTF dir.
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