guildlaunch support #61

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Assigned to _ForgeUser724295
  • _ForgeUser1012333 created this issue Jan 15, 2009

    Hi, thx for realy great addon.

    Since the 14.01.2009 I have some troble with import data to Rapid raid on the They change something in import sustem and now i can`t import data from your addon :(

    Can you pls fix this or add supported output format for

    Would be realy glad for this.

  • _ForgeUser1012333 added the tags New Other Jan 15, 2009
  • _ForgeUser724295 posted a comment Jan 15, 2009

    This issue honestly needs to be asked to the guildlaunch maintainers if they changed their system. If they made a large overhaul, then I would need to know the format in order to support it. If they made a small overhaul, I would ask them if there are any related bugs to this issue or if their new format could be backwards compatible.

    I don't have a rapid raid/guild launch to test this on.

    What export format does rapid raid use?

    Setting to waiting for a few weeks to receive more information. Otherwise, this defect will be marked as declined.

  • _ForgeUser724295 removed a tag New Jan 15, 2009
  • _ForgeUser724295 added a tag Waiting Jan 15, 2009
  • _ForgeUser1012333 posted a comment Jan 31, 2009

    they must have xml format. like says in tips:

    You can use the XML format below to import raids for any game. The XML File documented below has 5 major parts.
    1 - Basic Raid Info - start and end times
    2 - PlayerInfos - who is in the raid
    3 - BossKills - the bosses that are killed or the 'events' in the raid
    4 - Join - when a player joined the raid
    5 - Leave - when a player left the raid
    6 - Loot - the items that dropped

    Sample file:

        <!-- the raid start in epoch time-->
        <!-- the raid end in epoch time-->     
        <zone>Raid Name Goes Here</zone>
                <name>Player Name 1</name>
                <name>Player Name 2</name>
            <!-- the boss kills will be the events for the raid -->
                <name>Boss Name 1</name>
                <!-- the time of the kill in epoch time-->
                <name>Boss Name 2</name>
                <!-- the time of the kill in epoch time-->
            <!-- these keys indicate when a player joined the raid -->
            <!-- to get credit for attendance for the boss, the player must join before the boss kill time and leave after the boss kill time -->
                <player>Player Name 1</player>
                <player>Player Name 2</player>
                <player>Player Name 1</player>
                <player>Player Name 2</player>
            <!-- these are the item drops. the only used fields are ItemName, Player, Costs and Boss  the Costs field is the DKP spent on the item-->
                <ItemName>Item Name 1</ItemName>
                <Player>Player Name 1</Player>
                <Zone>Raid Name Goes Here</Zone>
                <Boss>Boss Name 1</Boss>
                <ItemName>Item Name 2</ItemName>
                <Player>Player Name 2</Player>
                <Zone>Raid Name Goes Here</Zone>
                <Boss>Boss Name 2</Boss>

    this is dkp string from my raid from GuildLaunchCT_RaidTracker addon:

     <zone>The Obsidian Sanctum</zone>
      <key1><ItemName>Большая сумка с трофеями</ItemName><ItemID>43346:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1345076678:80</ItemID><Icon>INV_Misc_Bag_17</Icon><Class>Разное</Class><SubClass>Хлам</SubClass><Color>ffa335ee</Color><Count>1</Count><Player>disenchanted</Player><Time>1233342407</Time><Zone>Обсидиановое святилище</Zone><Boss>Sartharion</Boss></key1>
      <key2><ItemName>Сумка из шкуры дракона</ItemName><ItemID>43345:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1613512134:80</ItemID><Icon>INV_Misc_Bag_26_Spellfire</Icon><Class>Сумки</Class><SubClass>Сумка</SubClass><Color>ffa335ee</Color><Count>1</Count><Player>disenchanted</Player><Costs>110</Costs><Time>1233342340</Time><Zone>Обсидиановое святилище</Zone><Boss>Sartharion</Boss></key2>
      <key3><ItemName>Рукавицы пропавшего покорителя</ItemName><ItemID>40630:0:0:0:0:0:0:-1881947590:80</ItemID><Icon>INV_Gauntlets_27</Icon><Class>Разное</Class><SubClass>Хлам</SubClass><Color>ffa335ee</Color><Count>1</Count><Player>Зайчонок</Player><Costs>110</Costs><Time>1233342281</Time><Zone>Обсидиановое святилище</Zone><Boss>Sartharion</Boss></key3>
      <key4><ItemName>Рукавицы пропавшего завоевателя</ItemName><ItemID>40628:0:0:0:0:0:0:2144584250:80</ItemID><Icon>INV_Gauntlets_27</Icon><Class>Разное</Class><SubClass>Хлам</SubClass><Color>ffa335ee</Color><Count>1</Count><Player>Ёханпалыч</Player><Costs>100</Costs><Time>1233342181</Time><Zone>Обсидиановое святилище</Zone><Boss>Sartharion</Boss></key4>
      <key5><ItemName>Кольцо Драконьего Покоя</ItemName><ItemID>40433:0:0:0:0:0:0:1876148794:80</ItemID><Icon>INV_Jewelry_Ring_67</Icon><Class>Доспехи</Class><SubClass>Разное</SubClass><Color>ffa335ee</Color><Count>1</Count><Player>Драелаш</Player><Costs>30</Costs><Time>1233342118</Time><Zone>Обсидиановое святилище</Zone><Boss>Sartharion</Boss></key5>
      <key6><ItemName>Наплечные щитки Маскировки</ItemName><ItemID>40437:0:0:0:0:0:0:1607713338:80</ItemID><Icon>INV_Shoulder_73</Icon><Class>Доспехи</Class><SubClass>Кожаные</SubClass><Color>ffa335ee</Color><Count>1</Count><Player>disenchanted</Player><Costs>40</Costs><Time>1233342076</Time><Zone>Обсидиановое святилище</Zone><Boss>Sartharion</Boss></key6>
      <key7><ItemName>Кираса Драконьей бури</ItemName><ItemID>44000:0:0:0:0:0:0:1339277882:80</ItemID><Icon>INV_Chest_Plate20</Icon><Class>Доспехи</Class><SubClass>Латные</SubClass><Color>ffa335ee</Color><Count>1</Count><Player>Аристо</Player><Costs>40</Costs><Time>1233341969</Time><Zone>Обсидиановое святилище</Zone><Boss>Sartharion</Boss></key7>

    sorry that too long no answer :*)

  • _ForgeUser1012333 removed a tag Waiting Jan 31, 2009
  • _ForgeUser1012333 added a tag Replied Jan 31, 2009

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