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"Would there be any way to have it not record a raid (or maybe auto delete a raid) if you never enter a pve raid instance?"
Originally submitted by fritty (April 28, 2008)
This enhancement requests HeadCount support for starting of a new tracked raid only upon recognition of entry into an explicit raid instance (Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, The Sunwell, etc.).
Additional functionality could be added to enable or disable tracking for specific single instances or instance groups (10-man, 20-man, 25-man, 40-man).
isRaidActive = true;
I want options to able auto create New Raid depending on PvE instance change.
Last week my raid starting in The Obsidian Sanctum and raid continued in Naxxramas. Final DKP String contains all boss kill in first zone ([CDATA[ - Zone: The Obsidian Sanctum - Boss: Sapphiron - 0 DKP]).
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