HealPoints is a healer gear benchmark addon similar to TankPoints for tanks. It is designed to make it easier for healers to choose the most optimal gear, balancing
- Intelligence
- Mana Regen
- Spirit
- Spell Power
- Crit Rating
- Spell Haste
It displays all your relevant basic stats as well as HP/sec
, HP/mana
, etc. for all your healing spells. It also displays a few more advanced benchmarks:
- PowerPoints: focused on healing output over a short period
- EndurancePoints: focused on healing output over a long period
HealPoints detects and supports all relevant talents and almost all set and equip bonuses.
You can view your current HealPoints by typing:
/hp calc
Your HealPoints, PowerPoints and Endurance points will also be displayed on your paperdoll.
If you have a LibDataBroker feed view (e.g. TitanPanel) then you will see:
- a feed containing your current HealPoints
- a tooltip showing the value of relative stats
HealPoints contains a calculator that lets you manipulate the basic stats and see how they affect your spells and overall healing efficiency.
Unfortunately I don't have a 60 priest yet, only a 44 priest so I can't test myself... but...
When I was looking around the priest forum I found a few priests doing tests on crit rate. There were people quoting numbers from the wiki, but then some did tests and came out with 60 int/crit. I believe two people came to this conclusion.
I don't know who has run the 50int tests so far, but I think more testing should be done for priests and paladins. I really think all cloth casters are 60 and all hybrids are 40. I know lots of paladins are reporting a wide range of values, but I know I've seen some who say they calculated it at 40. Perhaps they are 30 or 25 or 20... but it seems much easier from Blizz's perspective to make Cloth = 59.5 and Non Cloth = 39.5, rather than dealing with each class. I wish I had a paladin to test with tho, maybe one who reads this will take up the challenge and cast 2k+ heals for us.
I'm unable to test if the addon now works with French clients, so if someone could do that for me, that would be much appreciated :-)
Great! That makes at least 3 different sources for the same number. I'll release an update soon with: 30 int = 1 % crit for paladins 40 int = 1 % crit for shamans and druids 50 int = 1 % crit for priests
After significant testing, it seems like the Shaman int/crit% ratio is 40int/1% crit. I did 8000 casts of Healing Wave Rank 1, and it was at 39.7:1.
Based on the research reported on http://www.wowwiki.com/Talshuler's_Int_Research , I've used 30int=1% crit for paladins starting with version 1.3. Holy power is definitly supported.
As to why you have recorded higher crit rates than reported by HealPoints, I can see a number of explainations.
Illumination is also supported. It's calculated as a reduction in average mana cost per cast, according to crit rate. Again, some possible explainations for the disparity:
Thanks for the feedback!
I've been running recap for quite some time and well unbuffed(290 int) with 5% from talents and 2% from gear I run about 21% spell crit which would set it right around 20int=1% crit however on the healpoints it only shows up at 16.5%, so not sure if the formula you used to derive spell crit is wrong or it's missing 5/5 holy power(the likely culprit I think)
Also does this not take into account illumination? I recently did multiple tests seeing how long I could heal for with a dragonslayer buff up, each time I was able to get in excess of 70k healing done on a single mana pool, however modifying the healpoints to get me up to the spell crit level I was getting then shows only getting 50k healing done on one mana pool, which seems to me that with illumination going would push that 50k to over 70k as I was seeing.
I didnt want to clutter the comments page, but after I made the comment about crit% I decided to try to spam Healing Wave Rank 1 on myself at different int levels and see what would emerge. Long story short, I did about 5,000 casts before I couldnt take it anymore and 40int=1%crit seems very close to what I got. Ideally I would want quite a few more casts to determine crit% better, but thats what I have so far.
looking forward to having the french version!
@patibulaire I'll try to add french in one of the next releases.
@Thunghar Based on some new shaman testing it looks like 40 int = 1 % crit is closer to the truth. Unless some new info emerges, I'll be changing 20 => 40 for shamans in my next release.
Thanks a lot for the work already done! but would it be possible to have the french version also?
Here are my sources for the values I've used. http://www.wowwiki.com/Formulas:Critical_hit_chance was used as a basis.
http://www.wowwiki.com/Talshuler's_Int_Research and other posts by Talshuler on the EU forums. The same value was also reported on the US forums (thread broken).
http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=3031 The shaman value was based on results from 1000 casts of LHW reported in the comments to TheoryCraft.
The druid value was based on posts on the US forums (thread broken).
The priest value was based on testing done by one of my priest beta testers.
I am pretty sure that crit % formula is incorrect. I only wish that shamans had 20int=1% crit. Based on data of thousands of casts with my shaman i think 100int=1% crit. Whatever the right number is, its definitely not 20. The numbers for other classes also look too friendly but I havent done any testing.
Of course! Both casting time and spell rank are taken into consideration (spells you learn before lvl 20 get less bonus). Have a look at the readme for details.
I'll leave "NukePoints" for somebody else to make :-)
Does this mod take into account the fact that faster casting spells (flash heal as an example) get less of a healing bonus fron items then slower casting spells? If so, then thats great.
PLEASE, please make a "Nukepoints" for mages +damage items.
I had my priest tester try to reproduce this but she wasn't successful. However she used the (yet unreleased) 1.3 beta. So hopefully the problem is fixed there as a result of one of the other code changes I've made.
Btw, are you using english or german version of WoW?
The 3 piece prophecy bonus not only is not reflected in HealPoints 1.2b, but installing that 3rd piece into an *empty* slot in most cases results in reduced healpoints. My guess is it's due to the math on the reduced casting time of flash heal being figured backwards. Anyways.. To test: I was unable to unload every slot(no bag space I'm afraid) :/ so rings, trinkets, cloak and neck installed(arg), then try this: Empty your 8 armor slots, add Proph Boots and Shoulders, note the points, then add the bracers. That cant be right. Didnt see anything in the readme about it. So hope you can repro it!
Not supported. Listed under "Known bugs and shortcomings" in the Readme :-)
Is the earthfury 5 item set bonus supported? Didn't see it in the readme. 5 pieces: After casting your Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave spell, gives you a 25% chance to gain Mana equal to 35% of the base cost of the spell. http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=16839
Adding support for the Blue Dragon trinket is a bit difficult as you for example need to take into account what happens when it procs twice less than 15s apart. But probably doable. Not top priority, though :-)
Calculating maximum damage is quite a bit more difficult than healing as there are a much greater variety of damage spells, damage depends on target stats/resistances, etc. I certainly have no plans in that direction, at least.
Wish there was something like this and TankPoints for casters, that tracked how much damage you could deal off of one bar of mana or something to better judge how much you could do with what gearsets.