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  • Uploaded
    Jul 23, 2024
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    26.72 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 11.0.2
  • 11.0.0
  • 10.2.7

Supported WoW Cataclysm Classic Versions

  • 4.4.0

Supported WoW Classic Versions

  • 1.15.3


Lib: HereBeDragons

2.13-release-11-g38ba5f7 (2024-07-23)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • Update TOC for all supported versions
  • Remove TWW transform entry that causes misbehavior
  • Add world map data for 11.0 map changes
  • Use a centered square to determinet the map size
    This ensures we hit the active map, rather then any border conditions
  • Use the newly exposed unsecured pools function
  • Let processMap lookup map info if not provided
    This simplifies the lookup logic a bit
  • Add TWW transform data
  • Update pin frame pool for 11.x compat
    This is a bit ugly since the exposed frame pools use a secure pool that
    we can't mess with, so instead create an unsecure texture pool (because
    frame or even object pools are not exposed, thanks Blizzard), and
    repurpose it to be a frame pool once again.
  • Update Library version, forgotten in previous commit
    Also force a data update for Cataclysm
  • Update for Cataclysm Classic
  • Update TOC for 10.2.6