RS Causing Error #56

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to ardentvark
  • _ForgeUser1299173 created this issue Jun 29, 2010

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. enter RS

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    128x HudMap-v1.1.4\HudMap.lua:2297: HudMap has no zone data for TheRubySanctum. Please report this as a bug.
    HudMap-v1.1.4\HudMap.lua:2297: in function <HudMap\HudMap.lua:2295>
    HudMap-v1.1.4\HudMap.lua:1996: in function `UpdateZoneData'
    HudMap-v1.1.4\HudMap.lua:819: in function <HudMap\HudMap.lua:813>

    t = <table> {
    LochModan = <table> {}
    Ulduar771 = <table> {}
    Barrens = <table> {}
    TheArgentColiseum = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel3 = <table> {}
    UtgardeKeep1 = <table> {}
    Westfall = <table> {}
    HallsofReflection1 = <table> {}
    NetherstormArena = <table> {}
    Undercity = <table> {}
    Desolace = <table> {}
    Kalimdor = <table> {}
    StonetalonMountains = <table> {}
    Alterac = <table> {}
    CoTStratholme = <table> {}
    Hilsbrad = <table> {}
    TheForgeofSouls1 = <table> {}
    Nexus802 = <table> {}
    Gundrak = <table> {}
    TheEyeofEternity1 = <table> {}
    Ironforge = <table> {}
    Dalaran = <table> {}
    UtgardeKeep2 = <table> {}
    Wetlands = <table> {}
    SholazarBasin = <table> {}
    AzjolNerub = <table> {}
    DrakTharonKeep2 = <table> {}
    Dalaran1 = <table> {}
    DeadwindPass = <table> {}
    CoTStratholme1 = <table> {}
    Ahnkahet = <table> {}
    HallsofLightning = <table> {}
    AzuremystIsle = <table> {}
    Winterspring = <table> {}
    CrystalsongForest = <table> {}
    BoreanTundra = <table> {}
    Naxxramas = <table> {}
    Darkshore = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel = <table> {}
    IsleofConquest = <table> {}
    Ulduar2 = <table> {}
    Naxxramas5 = <table> {}
    ZulDrak = <table> {}
    Naxxramas4 = <table> {}
    Durotar = <table> {}
    Silithus = <table> {}
    SwampOfSorrows = <table> {}
    DrakTharonKeep = <table> {}
    HallsofReflection = <table> {}
    Ulduar77 = <table> {}
    Ashenvale = <table> {}
    Azeroth = <table> {}
    UtgardePinnacle1 = <table> {}
    VioletHold = <table> {}
    Sunwell = <table> {}
    Aszhara = <table> {}
    Ulduar4 = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel7 = <table> {}
    Naxxramas6 = <table> {}
    Hellfire = <table> {}
    Nexus801 = <table> {}
    TheExodar = <table> {}
    HowlingFjord = <table> {}
    UngoroCrater = <table> {}
    WarsongGulch = <table> {}
    Dustwallow = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel4 = <table> {}
    Nagrand = <table> {}
    Expansion01 = <table> {}
    TheStormPeaks = <table> {}
    UtgardeKeep3 = <table> {}
    Tanaris = <table> {}
    BladesEdgeMountains = <table> {}
    BloodmystIsle = <table> {}
    AzjolNerub2 = <table> {}
    DunMorogh = <table> {}
    SearingGorge = <table> {}
    AlteracValley = <table> {}
    EasternPlaguelands = <table> {}
    Teldrassil = <table> {}
    BlastedLands = <table> {}
    Mulgore = <table> {}
    Felwood = <table> {}
    Silverpine = <table> {}
    EversongWoods = <table> {}
    SilvermoonCity = <table> {}
    TheArgentColiseum1 = <table> {}
    PitofSaron = <table> {}
    ShattrathCity = <table> {}
    HallsofLightning2 = <table> {}
    AzjolNerub1 = <table> {}
    Redridge = <table> {}
    Naxxramas2 = <table> {}
    BurningSteppes = <table> {}
    Ulduar = <table> {}
    Moonglade = <table> {}
    UtgardeKeep = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel1 = <table> {}
    AzjolNerub3 = <table> {}
    Ogrimmar = <table> {}
    Ulduar5 = <table> {}
    LakeWintergrasp = <table> {}
    Hinterlands = <table> {}
    DrakTharonKeep1 = <table> {}
    Badlands = <table> {}
    UtgardePinnacle = <table> {}
    TheNexus = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel6 = <table> {}
    Dalaran2 = <table> {}
    TheNexus1 = <table> {}
    Ulduar3 = <table> {}
    Ulduar1 = <table> {}
    Arathi = <table> {}
    VaultofArchavon1 = <table> {}
    VaultofArchavon = <table> {}
    Nexus804 = <table> {}
    HrothgarsLanding = <table> {}
    Nexus803 = <table> {}
    StrandoftheAncients = <table> {}
    Nexus80 = <table> {}
    ScarletEnclave = <table> {}
    Darnassis = <table> {}
    VioletHold1 = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel8 = <table> {}
    Gundrak1 = <table> {}
    Netherstorm = <table> {}
    IcecrownCitadel5 = <table> {}
    Duskwood = <table> {}
    ThousandNeedles = <table> {}
    TerokkarForest = <table> {}
    UtgardePinnacle2 = <table> {}
    Ghostlands = <table> {}
    Zangarmarsh = <table> {}
    TheObsidianSanctum = <table> {}
    HallsofLightning1 = <table> {}
    TheArgentColiseum2 = <table> {}
    TheForgeofSouls = <table> {}
    Naxxramas3 = <table> {}
    Naxxramas1 = <table> {}
    IcecrownGlacier = <table> {}
    ArathiBasin = <table> {}
    TheEyeofEternity = <table> {}
    GrizzlyHills = <table> {}

    Please provide any additional information below.

  • _ForgeUser1299173 added the tags New Defect Jun 29, 2010
  • Dajova posted a comment Jun 30, 2010

    Getting this as well, but i guess we have to w8 until Antiarc updates HM for RS, would be awesome :D

  • Samnthar posted a comment Jul 1, 2010

    Kagaro told me that HudMap will switch to libmapdata soon, like gathermate and most likely routes as well, so only once source will need to be updated each patch .

  • _ForgeUser490558 posted a comment Jul 6, 2010

    A temporary fix:

    In HudMap.lua, add a comma on row 2294:

    UtgardeKeep3 = { 736.581008911133, 491.054512023926, 158},

    and add this row after:

    TheRubySanctum = {100, 100, 159}

    Don't know what parameters the ruby scantum should have, but atleast you don't have to disable the addon every time you enter RS.

  • _ForgeUser263730 posted a comment Jul 10, 2010

    try TheRubySanctum = { 752.083312988281, 502.083251953125, 159}, according to libmapdata

    I have not test this yet.

    Edited Jul 10, 2010

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