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    Sep 2, 2012
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 5.0.4
  • 4.3.4


r909 | parnic | 2012-09-02 04:29:41 +0000 (Sun, 02 Sep 2012) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/ClassPowerCounter.lua
   M /trunk/modules/HarmonyPower.lua

- Removed level restriction on harmony power since apparently that's not a thing any more.
- Fixed the fifth chi not always drawing immediately when changing specs to one that grants an additional chi.
- Registered harmony power for the UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT event since that's what Blizzard's version does.
r907 | parnic | 2012-09-01 05:00:13 +0000 (Sat, 01 Sep 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/IceHUD_Options/Options.lua

- Added another FAQ to the list.
r906 | parnic | 2012-09-01 04:49:18 +0000 (Sat, 01 Sep 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/IceHUD.toc

- Touched file to get a new package made with fixed localization strings.
r905 | parnic | 2012-09-01 04:35:06 +0000 (Sat, 01 Sep 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/ClassPowerCounter.lua
   M /trunk/modules/Shards.lua

- Now that the numeric class power frame is being placed via SetPoint instead of SetAllPoints, we don't have to worry about the parent frame's width being correct to avoid truncating the number string; so don't force-update the width on the parent frame any more.
- No longer explicitly setting the width on the class power numeric FontString either as we'll just allow it to size to the text instead.
r904 | parnic | 2012-09-01 04:22:50 +0000 (Sat, 01 Sep 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/IceCore.lua
   M /trunk/IceElement.lua

- Added support for changing the outline/shadowing of all non-DogTag strings on all modules.
r903 | parnic | 2012-09-01 04:21:43 +0000 (Sat, 01 Sep 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/ClassPowerCounter.lua

- Added support for showing the numeric value on top of a class power's graphical display. This number can also be moved vertically.
r901 | parnic | 2012-08-30 04:53:56 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/HolyPower.lua

- Updated non-'graphical' display modes for holy power to not squish the icons.
r900 | parnic | 2012-08-30 04:36:00 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/SliceAndDice.lua

- Removed dead line of code that was using a global variable and then not even doing anything with it.
r899 | parnic | 2012-08-30 04:23:24 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/IceHUD.lua
   M /trunk/modules/SliceAndDice.lua
   M /trunk/modules/Threat.lua

- Fixed a few more instances of using non-local vars named _
r898 | parnic | 2012-08-30 04:09:33 +0000 (Thu, 30 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/TargetCC.lua
   M /trunk/modules/TargetInvuln.lua
   M /trunk/modules/Threat.lua

- Fixed a few missed GetNumPartyMembers/GetNumRaidMembers references. Eventually I'll get all of them.
r896 | parnic | 2012-08-29 15:23:44 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/Shards.lua

- Added support for Soul Shards and Burning Embers major glyphs changing the total number of available shards/embers.
r894 | parnic | 2012-08-29 02:52:21 +0000 (Wed, 29 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/IceUnitBar.lua
   M /trunk/modules/TargetInfo.lua

- Fixed a couple of places that I forgot to declare the variable _ as a local which was causing taint due to Blizzard also forgetting to declare _ as a global in the glyph frame.
r892 | parnic | 2012-08-28 14:31:59 +0000 (Tue, 28 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/.pkgmeta
   M /trunk/IceHUD.toc
   M /trunk/IceHUD_Options/IceHUD_Options.toc

- TOC update for 5.0
r890 | parnic | 2012-08-27 00:31:21 +0000 (Mon, 27 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/Shards.lua

- Fixed error on login on 4.3 servers as a Warlock. http://www.wowace.com/addons/ice-hud/tickets/147-shards-ui-error/
r888 | parnic | 2012-08-26 19:27:20 +0000 (Sun, 26 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/Shards.lua

- Fixed a bug in the warlock power module with reloading the ui/logging in while in Demonology spec and having the power module set to Numeric display mode which caused the number to be replaced with an ellipsis. That was a long sentence.
r887 | parnic | 2012-08-26 19:17:46 +0000 (Sun, 26 Aug 2012) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/ClassPowerCounter.lua
   M /trunk/modules/Shards.lua

- Added support for bar-style class powers that grow left to right instead of just adding a new count or growing individual powers bottom-up. This could really use a background to give a sense of the bar's extents, but I'll leave that for a future improvement.
- Added basic support for Demonology spec (Demonic Fury) Warlock power.
- Fixed a bug or two in Warlock power presentation when un-speccing or learning a new spec after having been without a spec.
- Added support for hiding Warlock power until the requisite spell has been learned because apparently (after looking at Blizzard's code) you can have the spec without having the spell that builds up the power associated with the spec. Okay.
r886 | parnic | 2012-08-26 05:46:19 +0000 (Sun, 26 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/ClassPowerCounter.lua
   M /trunk/modules/Shards.lua

- Added Destruction spec (Burning Embers) support to the warlock power module and renamed it from Shard Counter to Warlock Power. Demonology support coming soon. Hopefully.
r885 | parnic | 2012-08-25 20:07:32 +0000 (Sat, 25 Aug 2012) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/IceHUD.toc
   M /trunk/modules/ClassPowerCounter.lua
   A /trunk/modules/ShadowOrbs.lua

- Added support for ClassPowerCounters to only show up for specific talent specs.
- Added Priest Shadow Orbs module.
r884 | parnic | 2012-08-14 04:50:24 +0000 (Tue, 14 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/GlobalCoolDown.lua

- Updated Paladin and Mage spells for GCD. They seemed to still work with the old, no-longer-existing spells, but that's not guaranteed to stay working.
r883 | parnic | 2012-08-13 03:57:23 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/GlobalCoolDown.lua

- Updated warrior GCD spell to "victory rush" now that Rend is a passive ability. No ability is available before level 5 that doesn't have its own cooldown, sadly.
r882 | parnic | 2012-07-16 00:48:28 +0000 (Mon, 16 Jul 2012) | 1 line
Changed paths:
   M /trunk/modules/HolyPower.lua

- Drycoded a holy power module fix for pre-5.0. I don't have a level 9+ paladin on live, so maybe this works?