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    May 29, 2016
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 7.0.3
  • 6.2.4


    - Hacked cast lag back in for 7.0 beta
    UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT is now firing at the same time as UNIT_SPELLCAST_START which is when the client receives confirmation that a spell s/he wanted to cast has begun casting (as opposed to pre-7.0 when _SENT would fire when the client pressed the button before receiving confirmation). As per http://www.wowinterface.com/forums/showpost.php?p=314818&postcount=31, I'm now hooking CURRENT_SPELL_CAST_CHANGED to give us a slight chance of acquiring lag info. Unfortunately that event fires for just about every casting-related thing that happens (with no context/useful args at all), so we get a proper lag indicator for the initial cast, but nothing once we start chaining casts together. I guess this is something to keep an eye on as 7.0 nears release.
    - Updated ComboPointsBar for Legion
    Also fixed a very minor leak in it where a table was being generated every call to Update when the player had > 0 combo points.
    - Updated to hide SnD unless we have the SnD ability (which implies Outlaw spec in 7.0)
    Theoretically we could reuse this module for Roll the Bones as well, but the nature of its effects makes the duration bar portion difficult and not terribly informative to the user since each of the 6 possible buffs can be activated with different durations depending on when RtB was used.
    - Fixed error generated when gaining a max combo point
    When loading into the game as an Outlaw, the mod was creating 5 slots for combo points. Switching to Assassination increases the max to 6, but the module was failing to compensate for this and causing an error instead.
    - Package alphas for LDT
    - Added checks for rune count changing mid-session
    Right now most ClassPowerCounter child classes are doing this work themselves, but they don't need to be. Some cleanup could be done there if anyone ever felt like doing it. (I did a tiny bit with Shards and Chi, but there's more to be done)
    - Fixed arcane charges not showing on first login
    - Updated Stagger for Legion
    Also made use of the new DogTags for Stagger instead of trying to format the values ourself
    - Fixed error in Chi module
    When signing in as a spec with Chi, an error was being thrown due to the graphical frames for chi not existing yet.
    - Updates to Shards for Legion
    - Only show AltMana for mistweaver monks in pre-7.0
    I realized that my updates changed how the module worked for pre-7.0 users who were using MonkMana
    - Updating with UNIT_POWER_FREQUENT makes the bar look better
    - UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER is a more foolproof way of checking if we need AltMana displayed or not
    - Fixed number of Chi not necessarily being correct on login
    - Only show Chi in Legion for Windwalker monks
    - Rolled ClassMana bars into PlayerAltMana
    There are too many classes that need to care about mana as a background resource in addition to whatever their primary resource is to keep creating class-specific bars, so let's just make one bar that does it all. I've done a one-time inherit of DruidMana's settings since it's the only bar that's been in a Release version that serves this purpose and should migrate its settings forward.
    - Fixed dev version to override project-date-integer appropriately
    - Eclipse is gone in Legion
    - Updated the LibDogTag repo paths to use the new git path
    - Changed how cooldowns are started (ticket #205)
    - Fixed Runes not showing up on login
    - Added Mage Arcane Charges for Legion
    - Added support for atlases
    Class power counters can now use atlases for their textures instead of just texture filenames and coordinates
    - Set color for DH Fury resource
    - Tiny cleanup
    - Set Compatible-With to 7.0
    - Added support for Insanity
    Legion's Shadow Priests have a new default power type called Insanity, so now we need an additional bar to show the player's mana (which all priests still have) while in shadow spec as a priest.
    - Don't load Shadow Orbs in Legion
    Apparently this module locks up the game client...somehow. Plus Shadow Orbs appear to be no more in Legion.
    - Update Runes for Legion
    Updated with the new DK rune changes so there are no longer different types of runes, just the one type. Also hooked up support for any potential changes to the max number of runes (as is present in Blizzard's RuneFrame source), but have no idea how to correctly trigger the 7th rune (or if that's even in the current build). Tested with hackery via /script commands and verified it works, so *shrug*.
    - Updated Holy Power for Legion
    Hide the holy power module when not in Retribution spec in 7.0
    - Package the alpha of LibDogTag-Unit (for Legion compatibility)
    - Fixed error for non-rogues
    - WIP Legion combo points updates
    Adds support for the new 6/8 (without/with Anticipation) combo points instead of hardcoding to 5. This same treatment will need to be done to the other combo point-centric modules (SnD, ComboPointsBar).
    Moved the old Anticipation extra-combo-point support to pre-Legion only. Anticipation doesn't work the same way now.
    - Replaced UNIT_COMBO_POINTS with UNIT_POWER for Legion
    - Removed UnitIsTapped usage for Legion

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