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UploadedJul 26, 2016
Size985.42 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 7.0.3
- 6.2.4
- Fixed incorrect texture drawing behind power counters
Looks like at some point I modified how "darkened" inactive powers worked and ended up drawing two copies of the darkened power counter for each inactive power. "runebg" is superfluous since we're just setting the color of the actual counter to black and partially transparent instead. For some power counters, such as Paladins, the runebg texture was actually wrong and drawing the entire atlas rather than just the texture we wanted.
- Fixed castbar interruption on 7.0 clients
Looks like some things changed in spellcast events on 7.0 which necessitate using the spellcast GUID to identify when a specific cast starts or stops. Now we use those GUIDs which restores the castbar to its appropriate behavior. (ticket #215)
- Disabled Resolved for 7.0 clients