All Namespaces
- |cffffff33Checked|cffffffff - Announcing |cffccccccGray|cffffffff - Announcing but not wasted |cffff0000Unchecked|cffffffff - Not announcing
- <Channel Name>
- <Name>
- <Time In Milliseconds>
- Advanced
- Advanced settings.
- Announce
- Blood Elf
- Channel
- Channel Name
- Chat Throttle Time
- Debug
- Discover Interrupt Mode
- ex. %s: %s (%s)
- ex. <Wasted>
- If an interrupt occurs and it is not in the spelllist table, a local message is sent.
- Interrupt Delay
- Message Format
- Party
- Raid
- RaidWarning
- Say
- Solo
- Spells
- The amount of time to wait for the interrupt after the spell was cast, before discarding the interrupt as wasted.
- The channels we want to announce to while grouped, but not in raid.
- The channels we want to announce to while in a raid.
- The channels we want to announce to while not grouped.
- The channels we want to announce to.
- The format of the announce messages, should contain 3 instances of %s
- The minimum amount of time between chat messages.
- The name of the channel you want to announce to.
- The name of the player you want to announce to.
- The spells that should be announced.
- The text that should be shown instead of the interrupted spell name when an interrupt is used without actually interrupting.
- Tracks and announces interrupts (eg. Hit/Miss/Immune) and is also able to track and report 'wasted' interrupts (those which did not actually interrupt anything)
- Wasted Text
- Whisper
- Whisper To