IgnoreMore will:
- Let you ignore more than 49 players
- Share the same ignore list between all players on the same realm (and faction).
- See when someone was ignored
- Give a reason for why the person is ignored
- NOT respond with "X is ignoring you" (unless the person was initially added to the system Ignore list before IgnoreMore was installed)
The "/ignore" command is also extended with a second parameter giving a reason directly, e.g.:
"/ignore Mikk : loudmouthed guy".
You can also double-click lines in your ignore list to edit these comments.
I changed the code for creating the popup dialog as follows (IgnoreMore.lua):
-- Make a popup dialog for editing ignore reasons
local dlg = {}
for k,v in pairs(StaticPopupDialogs["SET_FRIENDNOTE"]) do
dlg[k] = v
dlg.hasEditBox = 1
dlg.editBoxWidth = 350
dlg.text = "Reason for ignoring this player:"
dlg.OnAccept = function(self)
-- GLOBALS: GetIgnoreName, GetSelectedIgnore
IgM_AddIgnore(GetIgnoreName(GetSelectedIgnore()), self.editBox:GetText());
dlg.EditBoxOnEnterPressed = function(self)
local parent = self:GetParent()
dlg.OnShow = function(self)
StaticPopupDialogs["EDIT_IGNORE_REASON"] = dlg
Can I ignore more than 49 people using this addon so that I would never be grouped with them again using the LFG tool? Just like the default Blizzard UI allows me to do?
i liked sielnt ignore but it is not fully working under the new patch (ok the igno works but not the new status option in the friends list
06-24-2010, 03:14 AM mikk
I'm not gone
IgnoreMore will be working in 3.3.5, take my word for it. Maybe not immediately, depending on whether or not I can be arsed to get on the PTRs, but it will be working. I entrust my sanity to it on an everyday basis.
2) Could you make the lists with notes exportable? It would be a great benefit for anti-ninja protection on many realms.
Suggestion: Prompting the 'Reason for Ignore'-comment box immediately when ignoring someone (instead of having to open the ignore list, scroll to the bottom and click on the player)
I've used a 'hack' before, which told my ignored people, that they are ignored. At least on the first whisper while being logged in. Guess it got overridden some day.
What do you think of this function? Is there a possibility to see this feature within your original addon, without having to temper with it?
I'm guessing probably not since it seems to be just a chat filter but figured I would ask here.
However - how the heck does one guess which ignored people are queueing right now? =P All I can sanely think of is being reactive about it - if you end up in a group with someone that's on ignore, they get temporarily added to the system ignore ilst, and you can requeue. One could of course keep the N most "recent offenders" in the system list without problem.
Was just hoping somehow it was possible since I run into groups like today where a 4-person group picked me up with the LFG tool and vote kicked me because I was going to roll on a piece of loot that someone else wanted. My ignore list is getting pretty long lol.
in the latest version, if i "/ignore Somemoron spammer" it outputs in chat:
IgnoreMore: "Somemoron spammer" does not look like a valid player name
its not splitting the reason from the name like the older versions did (one i was using before is r54638 and it worked fine.
but i also just tried that and it dosent work either.
say if i use "/ignore Somemoron:spammer" or "/ignore Somemoron : spammer"
it outputs IgnoreMore: "Somemoron"
which says to me its splitting the name from the reason, but still erroring on it.