InspectEquip attaches a panel to the inspect window that shows a list of the character's equipment sorted by source (i.e. Raid: Dragon Soul, Vendor, Crafted...). This gives you a quick overview of a character's equipment.
InspectEquip also adds detailed item source information (including boss names, item prices for vendor items etc) to all item tooltips.
Currently supported items include (no green items):
- All raid items with detailed boss information, including Mists of Pandaria raids
- Dungeon drops for all instances
- Quest rewards for dungeon/raid quests, including legendary items
- Justice/Valor Point items
- Honor/Conquest Point items
- Reputation items sold by faction vendors
- Crafted items
- Darkmoon Faire items, including the cards and the new rewards
- The Kirin Tor rings sold in Dalaran
- World Event items
- The Argent Tournament rewards
- Guild Vendor items
InspectEquip also works with Examiner and includes support for cached Examiner characters.
Please report bugs and missing items in the ticket system or leave a comment on this page. If you want to contribute a translation, please visit the Localization page. Thank you!
WoW 6.x/Warlords of Draenor support:
The latest version of this addon is compatible with WoW 6.0. Please note that the dungeon and raid drops are updated automatically via the Encounter Journal (i.e. they should be available immediately when a new WoW patch is released). Other data, such as vendor or crafted items, still require an addon update.
Works fine, thank you.
for 5.1 item upgrade feature:
put this into Core.lua
function IE:GetActualItemLevel(link)
local levelAdjust={ -- 11th item:id field and level adjustment
local baseLevel = select(4,GetItemInfo(link))
local upgrade = link:match(":(%d+)\124h%[")
if baseLevel and upgrade then
return baseLevel + levelAdjust[upgrade]
return baseLevel
then modify the line 496:
iLevelSum = iLevelSum + lvl
iLevelSum = iLevelSum + self:GetActualItemLevel(itemLink)
I think itemlevel upgraded items (5.1 feature) like 1/1 aren't counted correctly?
and still shows helms as missing enchants
How can I open Inspectequip in wow?
2x InspectEquip-2.0.2-3-g014e7d6\Core.lua:677: script ran too long
InspectEquip-2.0.2-3-g014e7d6\Core.lua:677: in function <InspectEquip\Core.lua:671>
Still a great addon! Love it.
Showing missing head enchant. (Head entchants were removed from game)
I'll remove the check for head enchants.
This needs an update badly, been throwing errors left and right since the last maintenance.
First of all sorry my English is poor, this text is to use the network translation, for this addon I have some suggestions:
Can the item database is divided into two parts, one containing classic WoW to Burning Crusade, the other part contains the Lich King to Cataclysm, or simply as part of the Cataclysm independent.
This can reduce the resource consumption, because as more and more database objects, this addon will be more fat, so that players can load their own needs with the database, if so it is perfect.
Thank you!
The items you linked show the correct source for me... For the belt you can try to reset the database in the InspectEquip options, since that item should come from the encounter journal. I hope that works.
Concerning gem checks: I didn't have time to include that yet. The main reason why I didn't include it previously was that the gem information is (or at least was when i last checked) not yet immediately available when inspecting. At least I had that problem with the Examiner integration. Therefore, this will require quite a bit of testing, because I don't wan't to incorrectly label all items as missing gems.
Reforging: Yeah, I will include that, too. eggsampler also posted code for that, but I don't like the solution of just displaying the first 2-3 characters of the stat name, because that doesn't work well with international versions. The full stat names are too long. A possible solution would be to add short forms (i.e. Int, Crit) to the localization database. I don't know if there is a better solution, but I wanted to check if something like this is already available.
Missing belt buckle: Thanks, will look at that.
@yoshimo and other cloaks are also missing gemchecks ;)
2 more ideas:
You already include LibReforging info, i think it would be better to show what was reforged into what instead of the plain [R]
Missing belt buckle: RetardCheck has some code that identifies wether you have a buckle or not. I think that's worth including is shown with unknown source
Also you miss gemchecks on the relicts: and other have prismatic sockets
I though about using the Encounter Journal, but did not yet have the time to try it. Also, the Encounter Journal is very nice for Cataclysm raids and dungeons, because it contains verified data - but it unfortunately doesn't contain any drop information for the older instances, so I would still need to get the drop information for those raids and dungeons from somewhere else, which means more work :(
Therefore (and because I also need other stuff such as vendor items), I decided to focus on creating a new database just like before, but with updated data. I currently get most of my data from Wowhead, but they still don't have all the 4.3 data (and also data for some old instances/raids is incomplete/wrong, which sucks). So, yeah, I might have to look at the Encounter Journal. But maybe Wowhead will update their database in the meantime ;)
Thank you for pasting your changes to include missing gem warnings and the reforging text. I'll have a look at that next week and will probably include it :) Looks like someone copied InspectEquip 1to1 o.O
Thanks for the advertising and download hits ;) I wrote it out of curiosity, interest and boredom rather than any spiteful copying.
Hi emelio, have you ever thought about using the encounter journal for some of the new 4.3 raid/dungeon items?
I started to make my own inspectequip before I realised you were still updating this in alpha/beta state, and I had asterisks showing if items weren't gemmed or gemmed for socket bonus (not really critical, but informative) as well as adding reforging text instead of just [R]. Not sure if you want to include any of this, but the code is here: (from B: 1.9.9-beta1 for 4.3 )
Hey everyone. I have just uploaded a first alpha version of the next InspectEquip release. This version comes with some pretty big changes, so it may still contain some bugs.
The biggest change is that it includes a completely new item database. Here are the most important differences:
There are still some items missing in the database. Here is a list of currently missing items that I am aware of. If you find other missing items, I would appreciate a report.
Items upgraded using Crystallized Firestone. These will be added very soon.FixedItems bought from the Guild Vendor, especially the Heirloom items.FixedItems bought from the Molten Front vendors.FixedMost legendary items. They will be added as quest rewards to their respective raids soon.FixedThese changes are currently only available as an alpha version (i.e. only on Wowace or using the Curse Client). When I have added some more items, I will release a beta version.
Note that 4.3 items are currently not included, but the addon works fine on 4.3 (in fact, the TOC is updated to 4.3, so "Load out of date addons" needs to be enabled if you want to try the alpha version on 4.2). The database will be updated to 4.3 after the patch is released.
This addon is still missing 4.2 Valor Point items.
They are showing as Unknown
Hood of the Cleansing Flame
Shoulderwraps of the Cleansing Flame
Vestment of the Cleansing Flame
Gloves of the Cleansing Flame
Firesoul Wristguards
Crystalline Brimstone Ring
Trail of Embers
As well as the Legendary Stalves:
Branch of Nordrassil and most world drops & raid trash drops are not listed. marked "unknown" as well instead of crafted.