A basic mod that tracks enemy interrupt abilities on a neat little bar. I consider this mod feature complete.
- Feral Charge
- Counterspell
- Pummel
- Kick, and
- Spell Lock
- Mind Freeze
- Skull Bash
- Rebuke
Left Click the bar to move it. Go to the options to lock the bar. You can also hide buttons until they're active.
Type /ib in-game for a list of options
In the options you can make it so the bar only shows when an ability is fired.
To edit the order of abilities open InterruptBar.lua and change the order of the numbers in the 'order' table. Each number is labeled indicating what spell it is.
Adding new abilities isn't intended.
Thank you
Not updated at all.... Still need an updated Juked/Interrupt bar that show's all the new Interrupts guys.
There are a few new interrupts that should be on this bar while they are not.
columns please ! D:
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but...
I'm using ElvUI v4.19 (current latest build) and there is an option in it AuctionBars / Cooldown Text
that interfers with the cooldowns on your mod.
I simply see overlap of numbers for each bar icon when I do /ib test
When I disable Cooldown Text in ElvUI everything is fine; but all my bars have no cooldown numbers.
Can you add an option in your mod to disable your Cooldown Number Counts?
Updated for MoP
When is this getting updated?
Could any body tell me the add-on that tells other people iv interupted a spell
Zangorr: InterruptNoSpam
i thought you said "complete"?
Feral charge is not an interrupt, is it?
Why not include Wind Shear?
To add your own spells to the list, simply do the following:
- Go to wowhead and lookup the spell.
- Find the spell's id in the url bar. (for example: , 34490 is the spell id. In this case silencing shot.)
- Go to your WoW Addons folder and open InterruptBar.lua with notepad.
- Edit the following lines:
local spellids = {[6552] = 10, [2139] = 24, [19647] = 24, [16979] = 15, [1766] = 10, [47528] = 10, [80965] = 10, [96231] = 10, [34490] = 20}
local order = {6552, 2139, 19647, 1766, 47528, 16979, 80965, 96231, 34490}
- Add the cooldown ( = 20) to the first line.
And voila, you have silencing shot added to the IB. Haven't messed around with possible lowerings of cd's though.
Very nice addon, any hope to have a 4.3 update ?
Also it would be really cool to add some other abilities like Silence shot, wind shear.
Oh, and this only happens on my Mage.