Lua error when I log in #59

  • TheAngryIntern created this issue Nov 21, 2022

    I'm getting this message when I log into a character.  If I clear it everything seems to work fine, haven't encountered any other errors yet.


    Message: .../LibAppropriateItems-1.0/LibAppropriateItems-1.0.lua:41: table index is nil
    Time: Mon Nov 21 08:40:52 2022
    Count: 1
    Stack: .../LibAppropriateItems-1.0/LibAppropriateItems-1.0.lua:41: table index is nil
    [string "@Interface/AddOns/Inventorian_ItemLevels/lib/LibAppropriateItems-1.0/LibAppropriateItems-1.0.lua"]:41: in main chunk

    Locals: lib = <table> {
    CanEquip = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Inventorian_ItemLevels/lib/LibAppropriateItems-1.0/LibAppropriateItems-1.0.lua:8
    IsAppropriate = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Inventorian_ItemLevels/lib/LibAppropriateItems-1.0/LibAppropriateItems-1.0.lua:14
    oldMinor = nil
    _ = "Mage"
    playerclass = "MAGE"
    valid_classes = nil
    (*temporary) = <table> {
    (*temporary) = <table> {
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = <table> {
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "table index is nil"

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