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When trying to set bag filters via right-click, I get this error.
1x Inventorian/Bag.lua:34: attempt to call method 'GetFilterFlag' (a nil value)[string "@Inventorian/Bag.lua"]:34: in function <Inventorian/Bag.lua:22>[string "@Inventorian/Bag.lua"]:82: in function `initFunction'[string "@Blizzard_SharedXML/Mainline/UIDropDownMenu.lua"]:85: in function `UIDropDownMenu_Initialize'[string "@Blizzard_SharedXML/Mainline/UIDropDownMenu.lua"]:1193: in function `ToggleDropDownMenu'[string "@Inventorian/Bag.lua"]:225: in function <Inventorian/Bag.lua:213>
Locals:bagID = 4level = 1info = <table> {}(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = <table> { TokenTracker = BackpackTokenFrame { } isUsingCombinedBags = true filterFlags = <table> { } bagSetupDirty = true}(*temporary) = 4(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetFilterFlag' (a nil value)"
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