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UploadedMay 30, 2016
Size104.65 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 7.0.3
- add focus to click-to-cast options
- add click-to-cast bindings MOUSE 2-5 NOT WORKING (i will fix it when i figure out why its not working...)
- update toc to 70000, change current iTFConfig -> iTFConfig.layout to make "space" for bindings
- +tank roles, threat indicators (aggro, gaining aggro, losing aggro), stuff
- +more stuff
- iTargetingFrames.lua +more stuff.
- options.lua +add weights for every indicator, +profiles, +few indicators
- +layouts.lua
- layouts.lua +comments, weight for indicators
- rangeSpells.lua +interrupt spellIds & ranges
- +layouts.lua +support for custom profiles (iTargetingFrames_AddNewProfile(profileName, profileTable), see layouts.lua for more information
- add aura options
- add current target under indicators
- added options for: Health bar color, (non) interruptible cast bar & text colors, raid icon options ---- color border for current target (white, no options atm)
- +text size & position options
- add ingame options and stuff (/itf)
- +rangeSpells.lua
- remove slash cmds for now
- add max range spells for every spec
- +glow textures
- +glow effects +range check +raid icon
- starting to write options and update functions
- init