Allow manual transaction lengths #44

  • Enhancment
  • Accepted
Assigned to _ForgeUser977559
  • _ForgeUser977559 created this issue Oct 2, 2010

    When inventory or player cash changes in ItemAuditor, it considers anything that happens in the next 0.3 seconds to be a transaction. ItemAuditor needs a way to manually start and stop a transaction. Under the current system, if a user is prospecting multiple groups (5 each) of Saronite, each group's cost is transferred directly into the gems that are obtained. With a manual transaction, the user could start the transaction, prospect everything, close the transaction and the total cost of the prospected saronite should be distributed across all of the gems obtained.

  • _ForgeUser977559 added the tags Accepted Enhancment Oct 2, 2010

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