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Curious, but you seen the improvements i put into dbm related to nests? i noticed your flare locations don't match my changes. I tried to use a uniformed order by going from northeast clockwise with flares in the order they appear in drop down when i hard coded color assignments based on flares in the last dbm release. perhaps you could use the same flare order for better compatibility?
You could also add code to possibly add listeners to dbms current jikun mod to grab locations and support all modes, LFR, 10 man, 25 man, 10man heroic and 25 man heroic. Here are the colors dbm assigns.
NorthEast = "|cff0000ffNE|r",--Blue SouthEast = "|cFF088A08SE|r",--Green SouthWest = "|cFF9932CDSW|r",--Purple West = "|cffff0000W|r",--Red NorthWest = "|cffffff00NW|r",--Yellow Middle10 = "|cFF9932CDMiddle|r",--Purple (Middle is upper southwest on 10 man/LFR) Middle25 = "|cffff0000Middle|r",--Red (Middle is upper west on 25 man)
I am thinking of adding support for the 10-man mode as well. I will try to see if I can change the colours, shouldn't be much of an issue.
The real issue I have as tank is that the talon rake timings in DBM are currently off, if the boss has other spells running and/or being cast, these seem to take priority over the rake, which causes issues for timing the cooldowns in a good fashion.
I could get some videos to show you the issues and perhaps fix the timings.
P.S. I most likely will only have time for this coming Sunday afternoon the earliest.
that's not really a fixable timing. but it's pretty predictable though. you'll get a feel for when wind or quills will delay it. my finding is he doesn't ALWAYS delay it which is why i can't really adjust the timer. on 25 man perfect timing for us was to do 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 for the swaps so the tank that pulls actually gets 1 stack then goes to first nest, then 2nd tank goes to2 and from there you always swap at 2 and timing for guardians just works, perfectly :)
Still on my todo list, hope to have some time this weekend.
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