Raid Tracker
Keeps account of attendance, loot and DKP for raids, parties, battlegrounds, arenas and now solo for questing.
Works with SexyMaps, Minimap Button Frame, Titan Panel, FuBar, and others for easy access menus, and a minimap icon if no other manager or bar is installed. Provides export strings for DKP for most popular DKP posting formats. Supports loot filtering via loot options window /rt io, or on the minimap menu.
Chat commands: /rt - main window /rt o - options /rt io - item options /rt help - help /rt hide - hide or show the application icon
Curse site release updates are working normally again. Raid Tracker, Hellbender DKP, Tell Track, AddOn Studio. Use links to get files same as before. Enjoy.
Any update on this please? the / commands don't work.
I'm having problems with 1 thing though. Whenever i export the Text CSV, it only records how the group was then the recording started (i don't use any of the automated stuff because every time the leader of the group changes or we change from normal to heroic, it starts a new recording).
My question was: Is there any way to record during 1 session the fact that the raid was on regular for lets say 2 hours and the other 2 hours on Heroic?
Try to use settings "manual"
Yes, you can use manual.
There is good deal of flexability offered in the settings for how sessions are handled, including the ability to start and stop the sessions yourself, which should allow you to do anytng from manually starting a new session each day if you want, all the way through startign a session each boss in a raid. The degree of automation for session starts can be changed independantly for raids, parties, bgs/arenas, and solo.
Be sure to read the little desctiptions on the options page, show in the tools tips, as you change settings.
Also the ingame stats, per persion, can transcend the sessions, where you can see loot per person across sessions in the lists.
Here are a couple requests and a bug report:
1) The boss Occu'thar doesn't appear to be recognized, in Baradin Hold. Item drops from it show up as from a 'Trash mob', and it isn't in the drop-down list of bosses in Baradin Hold.
2) A small cosmetic thing: Some raids don't use any DKP. Is there a way to set DKP to not list at all, so on the exports don't show text like '(Cost: 0)' at the end of every item?
3) With the popularity of the phpBB forum software, an export option that outputs data for it would be very helpful. The 'HeadCount2' addon has a nice phpItemStats export that produces data along these lines, if you want to take a look at that. This uses the [i] and [b] tags to mark up text, [list] for the lists, along with colors and embedded links for the items. Producing text something like the following would be a great benefit:
[b][u]Firelands (10 Player)[/u][/b]
[i]8/29/2011 21:55:46 - 8/30/2011 01:04:28[/i]
[*]Apathie [i](Priest)[/i]
[*]Atriana [i](Priest)[/i]
[*]Bulkathos [i](Shaman)[/i]
[*]Cuer [i](Druid)[/i]
[*]Dikadar [i](Shaman)[/i]
[*]Dremi [i](Hunter)[/i]
[*]Kephas [i](Paladin)[/i]
[*]Noseeum [i](Priest)[/i]
[*]Ranadin [i](Paladin)[/i]
[*]Sporc [i](Warrior)[/i]
[b]Boss kills:[/b]
[*]Alysrazor at 08/29/11 22:34:59
[*]Baleroc at 08/29/11 22:45:02
[*]Majordomo Staghelm at 08/29/11 22:58:32
[*] [url=][color=#0070DD][b]Living Ember[/b][/color][/url] x3 by Bank
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Eternal Ember[/b][/color][/url] x3 by Atriana
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Leggings of Billowing Fire[/b][/color][/url] by Apathie
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Lavaworm Legplates[/b][/color][/url] by Kephas
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Flickering Handguards[/b][/color][/url] by Kephas
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Mantle of Closed Doors[/b][/color][/url] by Apathie
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Grips of Unerring Precision[/b][/color][/url] by Disenchanted
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Jaws of Defeat[/b][/color][/url] by Dikadar
[*] [url=][color=#A335EE][b]Mantle of the Fiery Vanquisher[/b][/color][/url] by Cuer
There are some php bbs type export options already. Try going though the list and looking at the strings and see if one matches what you need. Otherwise find the closest one and let me knwo what you woudl like to be different, being sure to tell me exactly what site its for or at least what bbs platform exactaly its for.
I'll look and make sure the boss db is up to date ;)
Cost:0 for most systems means dont count this transaction for DKP. Please explain little better what you need. If its for display purposes let me know what format, if its for a dkp system of some kind let me know which one ;)
which exports did specifically not want to see dkp cost exported for?
Added two bosses for Baradin Hold
Im going to make this fix now. Sorry you had to wait so long. Should be something like XXX_NoCost in the list. Ill make another reply later.
the new 'phpBB BBCode' option gives this output: (in unreleased 2.4.11)
[b][u]Shadowfang Keep (5 Player)[/u][/b]
[i]10/03/12 09:03:40 - 10/03/12 09:06:23[/i]
[*]Afsfsarw [i](HUNTER)[/i]
[*]Alleymo [i](MAGE)[/i]
[*]Geregord [i](WARRIOR)[/i]
[*]Miyo [i](WARRIOR)[/i]
[b]Boss Kills[/b]:
[url=][color=#ffffff][b]Wool Cloth[/b][/color][/url] by Miyo
[url=][color=#ffffff][b]Linen Cloth[/b][/color][/url] by Alleymo
[url=][color=#ffffff][b]Melon Juice[/b][/color][/url] by Afsfsarw
Intended to a simple happy postable for your guildies form of the others.
heres the new plain text with no dkp data 'Text No Dkp'. is pretty raw, but exactly the same as 'Plain Text' otherwise, from unreased 2.4.11.
Shadowfang Keep 5 Player 10/03/12 09:03:40 - 10/03/12 09:06:23
1 Afsfsarw 10/03/12 09:03:43 - 10/03/12 09:06:23, NightElf, 21, HUNTER
2 Alleymo 10/03/12 09:03:43 - 10/03/12 09:06:23, Gnome, 21, MAGE
3 Geregord 10/03/12 09:03:44 - 10/03/12 09:06:23, Human, 20, WARRIOR
4 Miyo 10/03/12 09:03:43 - 10/03/12 09:06:23, Human, 20, WARRIOR
1 Wool Cloth (2592) at 10/03/12 09:05:58 from Trash mob to Miyo
2 Linen Cloth (2589) at 10/03/12 09:05:58 from Trash mob to Alleymo
3 Melon Juice (1205) at 10/03/12 09:05:59 from Trash mob to Afsfsarw
If you hcave any other seemingly reasonable formats you might be interested in, please let me know. :)
After you copy the text form wow, you need to use wordpad, as the wow strings are unix delimited, aka '\n' for line endings, and notepad will eat the unix newlines. After pasting in wordpad, you shoul see clearly marked sections, where for each section you can paste the rows into excel in a seperate sheet.
,,08/06/11 19:03:51,08/07/11 15:46:03,,us,Realm
1,"Aqulalassa",08/06/11 19:03:51,08/07/11 15:46:03,"NightElf","PRIEST",7,,
1,"Nightsaber Stalker","Teldrassil",,08/06/11 19:03:51,"Aqulalassa"
1,"Plans: Copper Chain Vest",3609,08/06/11 19:04:58,"Nightsaber Stalker","Aqulalassa",0,
2,"Small Leather Collar",4813,08/06/11 19:04:58,"Nightsaber Stalker","Aqulalassa",0,
- After initializing the settings options, we were embarrassed because you can modify the settings.
so without the "min value" it is not working?
<<reply 357898>>
Options for resource reporting bugs found in the old version r297:
File: UI_Options.xml
Line number: 18 ...
Source (older version):
<Slider Name="$parent_AutoRaid" inherits="RT_SliderTemplate" minValue="0" maxValue="4" valueStep="1">
Source (r297 version):
<Slider Name="$parent_AutoRaid" inherits="RT_SliderTemplate" maxValue="4" valueStep="1">
This was fixed wiht the last 4.1 release of Raid Tracker, just to provide a late update. Sorry it was broken before. There is an explanation on the addon page.