Raid Tracker
Keeps account of attendance, loot and DKP for raids, parties, battlegrounds, arenas and now solo for questing.
Works with SexyMaps, Minimap Button Frame, Titan Panel, FuBar, and others for easy access menus, and a minimap icon if no other manager or bar is installed. Provides export strings for DKP for most popular DKP posting formats. Supports loot filtering via loot options window /rt io, or on the minimap menu.
Chat commands: /rt - main window /rt o - options /rt io - item options /rt help - help /rt hide - hide or show the application icon
Curse site release updates are working normally again. Raid Tracker, Hellbender DKP, Tell Track, AddOn Studio. Use links to get files same as before. Enjoy.
You are doing a fabulous job by the way - I cannot manage without Raid Tracker!
after <RaidInfo> there needs to be the following:
I can assist with the formatting more. I created a raid in both systems that can be used for diagnostics.
Guildlaunch Raidtracker String:
<RaidInfo><version>GL-1.0</version><mod_version>v2.5.10</mod_version><realm>Drenden</realm><timezone>0</timezone><start>1308474579</start><end>1308474591</end><PlayerInfos><key1><name>Aberost</name><race>Human</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>DEATHKNIGHT</class><level>85</level></key1><key2><name>Nemockulous</name><race>Worgen</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>PRIEST</class><level>85</level></key2></PlayerInfos><BossKills></BossKills><Join><key1><player>Aberost</player><time>1308474579</time></key1><key2><player>Nemockulous</player><time>1308474579</time></key2></Join><Leave><key1><player>Aberost</player><time>1308474591</time></key1><key2><player>Nemockulous</player><time>1308474591</time></key2></Leave><Loot></Loot></RaidInfo>
Your mod's string for EQdkp Unknown:
<RaidInfo><start>1308478124</start><end>1308478185</end><instance></instance><PlayerInfos><key1><name>Aberost</name><race>Human</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>DEATHKNIGHT</class><level>85</level></key1><key2><name>Nemockulous</name><race>Worgen</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>PRIEST</class><level>85</level></key2></PlayerInfos><BossKills></BossKills><Join><key1><player>Aberost</player><time>1308478124</time></key1><key2><player>Nemockulous</player><time>1308478124</time></key2></Join><Leave><key1><player>Aberost</player><time>1308478185</time></key1><key2><player>Nemockulous</player><time>1308478185</time></key2></Leave><Loot></Loot></RaidInfo>
Your mod's string for "Guildlaunch"
Session[/b]:[table][tr][td]Zone[/td][td]Difficulty[/td][td]Start[/td][td]End[/td][td]Note[/td][td]Portal[/td][td]Realm[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td]06/19/11 05:08:44[/td][td]06/19/11 05:09:45[/td][td][/td][td]us[/td][td]Drenden[/td][/tr][/table]
Players[/b]:[table][tr][td]Index[/td][td]Name[/td][td]Join[/td][td]Leave[/td][td]Race[/td][td]Class[/td][td]Level[/td][td]Guild[/td][td]Note[/td][/tr][tr][td]1[/td][td]Aberost[/td][td]06/19/11 05:08:44[/td][td]06/19/11 05:09:45[/td][td]Human[/td][td]DEATHKNIGHT[/td][td]85[/td][td]Day of Reckoning[/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td][td]Nemockulous[/td][td]06/19/11 05:08:44[/td][td]06/19/11 05:09:45[/td][td]Worgen[/td][td]PRIEST[/td][td]85[/td][td]Day of Reckoning[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]
I'd love it if you could make your mod output the correct string for the guildlaunch forums.
Ill look into the XML version for the loot system for Guild Launch. I think, in the past, one of the other XML formats worked for guild launch.
Edited for clarity:
I'm not sure what version of guildlaunch you are using to test this, but with the most current site and rapid raid, the closest to a string that is workable is the "EQdkp Unknown" string, but it is missing a few headers that the new guildlaunch site requires. Namely:<br/>after <RaidInfo> there needs to be the following:
I can assist with the formatting more. I created a raid in both systems that can be used for diagnostics.
Guildlaunch Raidtracker String:
<key1><name>Aberost</name><race>Human</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>DEATHKNIGHT</class><level>85</level></key1>
<key2><name>Nemockulous</name><race>Worgen</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>PRIEST</class><level>85</level></key2>
Your mod's string for EQdkp Unknown:
<key1><name>Aberost</name><race>Human</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>DEATHKNIGHT</class><level>85</level></key1>
<key2><name>Nemockulous</name><race>Worgen</race><guild>Day of Reckoning</guild><sex>2</sex><class>PRIEST</class><level>85</level></key2>
Your mod's string for "Guildlaunch"
Session[/b]:[table][tr][td]Zone[/td][td]Difficulty[/td][td]Start[/td][td]End[/td][td]Note[/td][td]Portal[/td][td]Realm[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td]06/19/11 05:08:44[/td][td]06/19/11 05:09:45[/td][td][/td][td]us[/td][td]Drenden[/td][/tr][/table]<br/>Players[/b]:[table][tr][td]Index[/td][td]Name[/td][td]Join[/td][td]Leave[/td][td]Race[/td][td]Class[/td][td]Level[/td][td]Guild[/td][td]Note[/td][/tr][tr][td]1[/td][td]Aberost[/td][td]06/19/11 05:08:44[/td][td]06/19/11 05:09:45[/td][td]Human[/td][td]DEATHKNIGHT[/td][td]85[/td][td]Day of Reckoning[/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td][td]Nemockulous[/td][td]06/19/11 05:08:44[/td][td]06/19/11 05:09:45[/td][td]Worgen[/td][td]PRIEST[/td][td]85[/td][td]Day of Reckoning[/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]<br/>Events[/b]:[table][tr][td]Index[/td][td]Name[/td][td]Zone[/td][td]Difficulty[/td][td]End[/td][td]Attendees[/td][/tr][/table]<br/>Loot[/b]:[table][tr][td]Index[/td][td]Name[/td][td]ID[/td][td]Time[/td][td]Mob[/td][td]Player[/td][td]Cost[/td][td]Note[/td][/tr][/table]<br/><br/>I'd love it if you could make your mod output the correct string for the guildlaunch forums.
1) view this players loot for this raid
2) view this players loot for all raids
If you click on either option it would organize the list based on sortable fields. Raid the loot dropped from, the date the loot dropped, etc. Having the ability to quickly see what loot each member of my raid has gotten would help SO much with the raids i run. Thanks for your time and a great addon so far!
I think if you click on the person, then you get that. I coudl swear there was already a way to see the loot per raid. Ill have to run off and go look, its been a while.
version 2.3.15:
- fixed realm time issue
Yep. one of the patches broke the realm time thing. I'm sorry its been broken for as long as it has, both to the people who used to enjoy consistent times and dkp uploads, even from various guild members DBs, and to those who had no idea it used to be differnt :)
I added the title bar Realm time because i think so many more instance servers are shared now across realms, and it had to have been very confusing for some. Part of the reason is so many more Realm servers are located not in their actual time zone now, that the instances get shared way more.
Its important to know, for anyone who doesnt yet, that this is a WoW design isssue, not an RT issue. It get updates from whatever server you are connected to at that time for the server time, even in the blizz UI clock under the minimap. RT is tracking three sets of times and aproximating seconds level timing in order to make up for that and give you are universal Realm time, so everyones DBs match. Hope this is now working for everyone, have fun :)
version 2.3.14:
- Added Realm clock display to title bar
version 2.3.13:
- Added /rt time command
Allows you to see the current calculated universal realm time. Can use to understand how the current realm time is being calculated. Please let me know what you find if 4.1 or 4.0.6 broke the realm time calcs. Note: the seconds for the adjsted time are based on the rollover for the server, not your local time. So you will see your local time at say xx:27 and possibly server time at xx:01 if it the server time minute jsut rolled over. Realm time is the login realm's local time, Server time is he time on the server you are currently in (like the instance/battleground server). Local time is the time of your local system clock. Note, also, that it really doesnt matter how far off your local system time is; you could be set to midnight 1999 when its really 3PM locally for you, and the realm time should still be right. The the time RT uses i'll start calling "universal realm time" and shoudl be the same for everyone running raid tracker who logs into the same realm, like a UTC for WoW, lol.
Im thinking of making another addon jsut to show current realm time, and probalby for sure adding it to the header of RT.
version 2.3.12:
- Updates for 4.1
version 2.3.7:
- Updates for Cata 4.0.x API
- Added GuildLaunch Forum export option
- Added new right-click app icon menu
- Added new Cata 5 mans: Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, The Vortex Pinnacle, The Stonecore, Lost City of the Tol'vir, Halls of Origination, Grim Batol
- Added new Cata raids: Blackwing Descent, Baradin Hold, Throne of the Four Winds, The Bastion of Twilight
- Looting for Cata 4.0.x finally fixed...
- Fixed right-click whisper activate
- Fixed maxlevel support for level 85
- Packaging fixups for nolib option. (do not use unless dev testing)
- Cata tweaks for performance at idle.
- Added more support main window localization
With this version RT should be pretty much up to speed for Cata. I have a few things planned to take care of some rough edges that are long overdue.
Something else thats probably a little more timely and significant... Raid Tracker just passed 200k downloads (and oddly Tell Track just passed 50k downloads on almost the same day). I want to make a special thanks to Cide, Karl and others who put so much time into such innovative mods, and whos ideas still have a lot of life left in them. Cosmos and CT were *massive* undertakings and helped spawn a huge community and fed the beginnings of most of what we still have now. Check out and you wil see a list where nearly every component listed lives in some way now. Even ThottBot... (delivered with Cosmos, evoled into curse profiler, not listed for some reason) which drove thott and so many sites, listing the world of warcraft and evolving into what you see now. Even curse itself. ;)
That was too easy though. Now that I know you can work miracles so quickly, I have to list some ideas and see if you can walk on water again...
1) Any way to keep track of people going offline and summarising total offline time? This would be helpful for keeping track of people with terrible connection issues and those who habitually sit out of fights and are nowhere to be found when you try to call them back in.
2) Option to select date format? In Australia we put the day first and month second because we assume that when someone asks you the date, they already know what month it is (unless they've traveled back in time to stop 12 monkeys, rescue Doc Brown or to bring back some humpback whales or something). And you guys think we're backwards! Sheesh :oP
I'm just splitting hairs aren't I? The add-on is fantastic, thanks so much for your efforts!
If I leave the instance, all time subsequent stamps revert to world server time. This means that for every raid, I need to export to excel and do several find/replaces to make the times match and it's really time consuming. The mod itself is fantastic, but for those in my situation, it would be utterly brilliant if only it took all time stamps from the same source as the realm time clock.
It basically tracks the spread between your real computer clock and the server clock, and adujust the server time by the difference and you move around, and adds the seconds value from your local computer clock, since server time is "secondless".
Ther a whole thing posted on wowwiki, i partly added when i figured out what was goign on the first time.
I had no idea the back end for simply tracking time was so complicated as I assumed you were just pulling timestamps from whatever instance the user was in. As for when it broke, I'm not sure as I've only been using Raid Tracker for about 3 months, but it has been like this during all of that time.
The link you posted talks a lot about reporting seconds and running correction updates to fix the variations between client clocks and guild members in different time zones. I can't speak for everyone, but while seconds are nice, they aren't absolutely necessary and as for the variations between users clocks and users in different time zones... can the mod not just look at MY client clock for every transaction?
I know my clock is correct and even if it wasn't, what i'm trying to capture is whether people were on time relative to me and how long they spent online relative to me. The mod could report my 7pm start as being 4am for one raid then as midday on the next one. I know what time it actually started, so as long as everyone has a timestamp relative to a single clock when they come and go, it's all gravy!
I dont think blizzard hates you. It would be nice if there was a way to ask them for the login realm time, but I donthtink there is anymore. In hact I dont think the client talks to the realm you logged into anymore once you have left to go to an instnace, other than possibly through however the are making chat work out.
Feel free always.
So... would you guys like some UI improvements? Like maye a collapsed mode, sort of in he vein of what it used to look like? I think the double wide is tough to keep on screen while you play. The old UI you coudl almsot leave up while you farm or raid.