move packaging to the community packager and github actions
nvm curseforge just derped out
remove LibDualSpec from OpDeps, no lib builds are disabled anyway
don't error on WoW Classic
Tag as 1.21
Update TOC for Patch 8.0
fix LibStub double embed
poke the packager
switch to my github fork of LibBD until wowace gets fixed
update pkgmeta urls
variables cleanup and add .editorconfig file
fix lots of globals and typos
more whitespace cleanup
fix whitespace issues
Update TOC for Patch 7.3
Update TOC for Patch 7.2
toc bump
TOC Bump for 7.0
Update TOC for Patch 6.2
Update TOC for Patch 6.1
Tagging as 1.20
re taging to pick up new lib backdrop release
Tagging as 1.19
updated toc, missed as a full update
wod toc
Tagging as 1.18
TOC update for Patch 6.0
Tagging as 1.17
5.4 toc
Tagging as 1.16
toc bump
kgPanels: remove some cata compat code and fix typos
Tagging as 1.15
toc bump
Tagging as 1.14
toc bump
added scaling adjustments for stan
Tagging as 1.13
Update for 5.x release
Tagging as 1.12
When advance features are disabled for textures we disable the enhancements for that frame. The default is disabled
Tagging as 1.11
made some changes for those who decided to disembed and lose functionality
Tagging as 1.10
fixes for backdrop enhancements on live
fixed ebeds.xml
Fixes for disembedded users using last tagged ace3 lib and not alpha included in kgPanels
Experimental support for show/hide specific segments of the border, only brief testing on live and beta
Tagging as 1.9
updated the fetc art command
Changed Interface\None to empty string, this works on live and on beta for a blank edgefile
Tagging as 1.8
fixed ordering of onSizeChange params
fix ticket #41
passed in variable is now called elapsed instead of time.
Tagging as 1.7
toc bump
Tagging as 1.6
toc bump
Fixed sublevel code
Tagging as 1.5.5
toc bump
Tagging as
Fixed font dropdown disabled check, it was checking for disembedded LSM and not if the lib was loaded
moved setup of LDB to onInit
Tagging as
Removed X-Compatible-With tag from toc since people dont wana trust the ingame Addon button to says an addon is loaded and working.
Tagging as
Forgot 1 fix
Upgrades teh DB so if your style is set to SOLID or GRADIENT and bg texture is set to none, it will upgrade it to 'Solid' so your colors show
better fix.
Revert latest change.
Tagging as
Fix for reported bug with solid panels
Tagging as
Update to reparenting , just call show after we reset the parent .
Tagging as 1.5.4
Toc update
Adjusted sublevels to match valid range as per forums
Localized new option strings. For now vertical and horizontal tiliing are disabled, while new frame stuff is figured out for replacement of backdrop
Added vertical and horizontal tiling options. Added sublevel options. DRYODE
When background set to none, set the bg texture to nil not white.
IF background set to none, set it to a white 8x8 texture so it can be colored as needed
Skip the bg setting routine if set to non, instead of being selective.
Place holders for new tiling options, and sub level options. Not active or available to anyone yet but putting markers in.
Fixed None path check, remove 'None' from artwork library so it shows only in the drop down.
Added fix for cata so it doenst complain about the None path
Tagging as v.1.5.3-beta
Add toc tag for X-Compatrible-With: 40000
Fixed a reference to arg1 to proper argument
Changed a few getglobal to use _G
Tagging as v1.5.2
Re-tagging to pick up fixed AceGui-SharedMediaWidget
Tagging as v1.5.1
Use Script instead of include
Tagging as v1.5
Make loading LibDualSpec silent since people who disembed dont know what their doing.
Tagging as v1.4
Releasing 1.4
Fixed issue found by stanzilla, about export/import frames accept button vanishing
Tagging as v1.39-Beta
Added support for LibDualSpec
Removed deprecated line1 and 2 hide calls
Fixed a typo in table name
LibDualSpec support (Experimental) fix setup of db enhancement
LibDualSpec support (Experimental)
Tagging as v1.38
Fixes for Frame Finder
Fix for FrameFinder
Tagging as v1.37
3.3.3 Api changes
Fix for inset changes, apparently I forgot to commit the config panel change.
Fix for inset changes, apparently I forgot to commit the config panel change.
Attempting fix for Stans reported error, GameCard expired and waiting on new one so cant test in game yet.
Tagging as v1.36
Several bug fixes.
Most notewhorthy is the inset fixes for background and borders. They should correctly reflect the positioning and automatically update your layout values to put them in the right order. If you see layout shifting, double check your insets as they may not have swapped.
Added an upgrade funciton to swap insets , since to corect values on load.
Fixed a bug in background insets, x,y were reversed cause unintended movements.
Fixed negative frame level in slider, and will auto fix levels if less than 0
Fixed isssue when switching profiles during config to a non existant layout being referenced.
Tagging as v1.35
Uupdated config addon toc.
kgPanels: updated toc in config addon so it loads, when people forgot to check load out of date addons. and they dont get INTERFACE_VERSION error
Tagging as v1.34
kgPanels: tock bump
Allow for negative frame level
Tagging as v1.33
TOC bump
Tagging as v1.32
Fixed name length check casuing short named artwork not to load.
Fix for assetName length check requiring a length or > 2, it should be > 0
Tagging as v1.31
License updated
Removed license files as this is now All Rights Reserved
Tagging as v1.30
kgPanels: updated license.
prevent locale errors on svn checkouts
Tagging as v1.29
kgPanels: updated the config addon toc
Tagging as v1.28
kgPanels: toc update. I havent tested with the new image buttons for nudge yet so not adding that in this release.
Tagging as v1.27
Exposed AddAsset for texture packs to register artwork.
kgPanels: fixed typo in register call
kgPanels: added mod funtion to register new art
Tagging as v1.26
Added nudge controls
kgPanels: added a nudge section in panel positioning
Tagging as v1.25
fix some edge case bugs.
default to a real texture if the one your using hasnt been loaded yet
better error messages.
kgPanels: fixed for an upvalue and nil art error
kgPanels: fixed a bug ina comparison.
kgPanels: fix a config string that was not usng the locaized version
kgPanels: missing backgrounds will be set to white, till eitehr a.) the background is found via shadremedia callback or b.) users changes the background to somthing that exists.
kgPanels: added a better error message for texture fils failing to load
Tagging as v1.24
Added custom coords to config. you can now directly manipulate all 8 tex coords and the modified rec function.
kgPanels: db upgrade code + tested new absolute coord stuff in game
kgPanels: added crop on/off for custom coordinates.
kgPanels: provide better error messages when WoW fails to load a texture file.
kgPanels: new config options to direct set textcoord on your background texture. UNTESTED and dry coded. compiled with luac
Tagging as v1.23
onClick now provides a pressed and released local variable. so you can determine if the user clicked!
kgPanels: changed a ref
kgPanels: changed mouse direction to a more description pressed or released.
if pressed then
-- do mouse down stuff
elsif released then
-- do mouse up stuff
kgPanels: made direction variable local to the function.
kgPanels: fixed bad click ref
kgPanels: added a direction flag for mouse clicks
direction=-1 for down
direction=-1 for up
Tagging as v1.22
Fixed anchoring issues when using anchor depth is panel -> panel -> xxx
kgPanels: fixed an issue with multi-anchoring and the panels not showing up correctly.
kgPanels: added callback to lib sharedmedia 3, so late registerd textures will get applied
Tagging as V1.21
Fix for default locale settings
kgPanels: fix for debug values
Added esMX to locale list, switch to auto updating toc for version number
Tagging as v1.20
switched to new localization system
and added 2 new script handlers
kgPanels: bumped to 1.20 new with new script handlers added switched to new localization system
kgPanels: added a debug flag to us local
kgPanels: updated nono eligh locales to defaul to enlgish
kgPanels: converted to locaization system and added 2 new script methods for OnSizeChanged and onReceiveDrag
Tagging as v1.19
Now resets x,y, to 0,0 when changed anchors.
kgPanels: When changing anchors, x and y will be reset to 0,0 so the panel doesnt go ofscreen due to previous anchor offsets.
Tagging as v1.18
Fixes to script setups
kgPanels: more scripting changes and fixes
Tagging as v1.17
kgPanels: fixed error introduced when NO onload script was present. Also removed debug
Tagging as v1.16
kgPanels: update to toc
kgPanels: fixes to script loading not working all the tiem on a console reloadui
Tagging as v1.15
Updates to some script handling.
kgPanels: updating toc version number for release
kgPanels: Added some missing cleans that could sometimes cause a layout to not apply the scripts when switching layouts.
kgPanels: added nostrip deps
Tagging as v.1.14
kgPanels: updated repareting reinit of load scripts to execute the other scripts as well.
Tagging as v1.13
kgPanels: gradient coloring fix
kgPanels: fixed bg color gradient picker
Tagging as v.1.12.
Updated release to have matching toc entries.
kgPanels: updated .toc to match release on curse
Tagging as v1.11. 3.0 compatible
kgPanels: toc updates for 3.0c
Tagging as v1.1.
Package now contains the config LOD addon, thanks pkgmeta!
kgPanels: updated trunk to new pkgmeta and layouts
kgPanels: tagging combo branch as beta for packaging
externals adjustment and pkgmeta change
kgPanels: tagging combo branch as beta for packaging
kgPanels: combo branch checkins
Fix .pkgmeta
Branching for a combo test
Tagging as v1.03.
Touching tags for syndication
Hopefully fix .pkgmeta
Hopefully fix .pkgmeta
Tagging as v1.02.
Helps if I read theknowledgebase