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The addon can no longer be configured because the icon does not open the settings and commands or similar no longer work. The activated panels are active, but it would be nice if you could configure them again.
I have installed and reinstalled the latest version without this problem being resolved.
I can use the command /kgpanels it also lists the command extensions such as /kgpanels config. But as soon as it says config, the command is no longer accepted.
After Click on Minimap IconMessage: Interface/AddOns/kgPanels/kgPanels.lua:459: attempt to call upvalue 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)Time: Mon Aug 19 12:42:49 2024Count: 1Stack: Interface/AddOns/kgPanels/kgPanels.lua:459: attempt to call upvalue 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)[string "@Interface/AddOns/kgPanels/kgPanels.lua"]:459: in function `OnClick'[string "*templates.xml:67_OnClick"]:2: in function <[string "*templates.xml:67_OnClick"]:1>
Locals: clickedframe = ADDON_HidingBar_kgPanels { name = "kgPanels" iconTex = "Interface\AddOns\kgPanels\icon.tga" data = <table> { } icon = Texture { }}button = "LeftButton"(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = "kgPanelsConfig"(*temporary) = "attempt to call upvalue 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)"IsAddOnLoaded = nilAfter the Command:
1x kgPanels/kgPanels.lua:632: attempt to call upvalue 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)[string "@kgPanels/kgPanels.lua"]:632: in function `?'[string "@AskMrRobot/Libs/AceConsole-3.0-7/AceConsole-3.0.lua"]:94: in function `?'[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua"]:5468: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua:5414>[string "=[C]"]: ?[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua"]:5120: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua:5119>[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua"]:5156: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'[string "*ChatFrame.xml:140_OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*ChatFrame.xml:140_OnEnterPressed"]:1>
Locals:self = <table> { modules = <table> { } defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } eframe = kgPanels_Dep_Frame { } angles = <table> { } name = "kgPanels" orderedModules = <table> { } parents = <table> { } active = "None" baseName = "kgPanels" db = <table> { } enabledState = true defaultModuleState = true}input = "config"cmd = "config"ly = nil(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = "kgPanelsConfig"(*temporary) = "attempt to call upvalue 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a nil value)"l_config = "config"IsAddOnLoaded = nill_enable = "enable"l_disable = "disable"l_layout = "layout"l_not_found = " not found."l_usage = <table> { 1 = "Usage: /kgpanels <command>" 2 = ""config" enter the config screen." 3 = ""enable" enable the mod." 4 = ""disable" disable the mod." 5 = ""layout" "layout name" to change layouts."}
This is as a result of API deprecations. Open kgpanels.lua and replace all instances of "IsAddOnLoaded" with C_AddOns.IsAddOnLoaded and it'll fix it. If other lua errors pop up citing any other deprecated API functions, check here and replace as necessary.
ok i can use the Command "/kgpanels config" but the addon minimapbutton dosn´t work
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