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All Namespaces

  • 1. kgPanels
  • 2. Artwork
  • 3. Textures
  • 4. Text
  • 5. Scripting
  • 6. Import and Export
  • A layout with that name already exists. Overwrite?
  • Activate
  • Active Layout:
  • Active Panels
  • Add
  • Add New Artwork
  • Add New Layout
  • Addon Name
  • Addon Settings
  • Addon this Panels script depends.
  • Advanced Texture Options
  • All
  • AlphaKey
  • Anchor Frame
  • Anchor From
  • Anchor To
  • Anchoring from.
  • Anchoring to.
  • Anchors
  • Are you sure you wish to delete this panel? This can not be undone.
  • Are you sure?
  • Art Library
  • Artwork
  • Artwork already exists. Overwrite?
  • Artwork Name
  • Artwork Path
  • Artwork to use for a background.
  • Artwork Type
  • Background
  • Background Color
  • Background Color Blending
  • Background color of this panel.
  • Background Color Style
  • Background Gradient Color
  • Background Gradient Style
  • Background Insets
  • Background Texture
  • Backgrounds
  • Blend
  • Blend mode for the background color.
  • Blizzard
  • Blizzard Dialog
  • Blizzard Tooltip
  • Border artwork.
  • Border Color
  • Border coloring.
  • Border Edge Size
  • Border edge size, see the FAQ.
  • Border Texture
  • Borders
  • Bottom
  • Bottom background inset.
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Left Corner
  • Bottom Right
  • Bottom Right Corner
  • Center
  • Change the name of this layout
  • Change the name of this panel.
  • Color And Opacity Settings
  • Color for the text.
  • Color style of this panel. NOTE: None disables background coloring.
  • Color to use for the gradient.
  • Colors
  • Copy
  • Copy configuration from another panel to use in this panel.
  • Copy Layout To Clipboard
  • Create
  • Create a new entry in the Artwork Library
  • Create a new layout. NOTE: This will change your current layout to the newly created layout.
  • Create a new panel using your specific defaults.
  • Create a new panel with generic defaults
  • Create Using Defaults
  • Cropped
  • Custom Coords
  • Custom Coords Configuration
  • Default
  • Default Panel Options
  • Delete
  • Delete from Library
  • Delete Layout
  • Delete this layout from your layout list.
  • Delete this panel from the layout.
  • Dialog
  • Disable
  • Down
  • Enable
  • Enable Addon
  • Enable Advanced Border Features
  • Enable Advanced Border Functions
  • Enter the new name of the layout
  • Enter the script for OnClick callback.
  • Enter the script for OnEnter callback.
  • Enter the script for OnEvent callback.
  • Enter the script for OnHide callback.
  • Enter the script for OnLeave callback.
  • Enter the script for OnLoad callback.
  • Enter the script for OnReceiveDrag callback.
  • Enter the script for OnShow callback.
  • Enter the script for OnSizechanged callback.
  • Enter the script for OnUpdate callback.
  • Export
  • Export this layout to the clipboard to copy and send to friends.
  • FAQ
  • FAQ_1_1
  • FAQ_1_2
  • FAQ_1_3
  • FAQ_1_4
  • FAQ_2_1
  • FAQ_2_2
  • FAQ_2_3
  • FAQ_2_4
  • FAQ_3_1
  • FAQ_3_2
  • FAQ_3_3
  • FAQ_3_4
  • FAQ_3_5
  • FAQ_4_1
  • FAQ_5_1
  • FAQ_5_2
  • FAQ_5_3
  • FAQ_5_4
  • FAQ_5_5
  • FAQ_5_6
  • FAQ_6_1
  • FAQ_6_2
  • FAQ_6_3
  • Flip Horizontally
  • Flip Vertically
  • Font
  • Font Color
  • Font Size
  • Font to use for this panel.
  • For help using kgPanels, please see the FAQ section.
  • Frame Finder
  • Frame strata to set this in, Background is the lowest strata.
  • Frame you wish to anchor this panel to.
  • Frame you wish to parent against. NOTE: To parent against a panel you have already defined, simply use that name.
  • Frames
  • From
  • General Options
  • General Settings
  • General Text Settings
  • Gradient
  • Gradient style of this panel.
  • Hide or Show the Bottom border.
  • Hide or Show the Bottom Left Corner.
  • Hide or Show the Bottom Right Corner.
  • Hide or Show the Left border.
  • Hide or Show the Right border.
  • Hide or Show the Top border.
  • Hide or Show the Top Left Corner
  • Hide or Show the Top Left Corner.
  • Hide or Show the Top Right Corner.
  • High
  • Horizontal
  • Horizontal Justification
  • Horizontal Tiling
  • Import
  • Import As..
  • Import complete, eePanels is now OFF, remember to disable or rmove eePanels2
  • Import from eePanels2
  • Import Layout
  • Import New Layout
  • Import panels from eePanels2
  • Indicate what type of artwork you are adding.
  • Inset Options
  • Intercept Mouse Clicks
  • Invert the artwork.
  • Justification of the text.
  • kgPanel
  • kgPanels Layout Export
  • Layout Name
  • Layout tab
  • Layouts
  • Left
  • Left background inset.
  • Level
  • LLx
  • LLy
  • Lock Panel
  • Lock/Unlock this panel.
  • Low
  • LRx
  • LRy
  • Medium
  • Middle
  • Mirror this background.
  • Mod
  • Name
  • Name of this new panel
  • Name to import this layout under.
  • New name for this panel.
  • None
  • Nudge
  • Nudge the panel position in a given direction.
  • OnClick
  • OnEnter
  • OnEvent
  • OnHide
  • OnLeave
  • OnLoad
  • OnReceiveDrag
  • OnShow
  • OnSizeChanged
  • OnUpdate
  • Panel already exists. Overwrite?
  • Panel Creation
  • Panel Height
  • Panel height.
  • Panel Layout
  • Panel level, for Z-Indexing.
  • Panel Name
  • Panel Opacity
  • Panel scaling options.
  • Panel Width
  • Panel width.
  • Panel you wish to copy from.
  • Parent And Anchor Settings
  • Parent Frame
  • Paste
  • Perform a paste.
  • Perform the import.
  • Position Settings
  • Postions
  • Press Cmd-A to select the text, then Cmd-C to copy.
  • Press Ctrl-A to select the text, then Ctrl-C to copy.
  • Remove Panel
  • Rename
  • Rename Layout
  • Rename Panel
  • Right
  • Right background inset.
  • Rotate
  • Rotate the artwork centered on the middle point.
  • Scaling
  • Scripts
  • Scripts Dependency
  • Set as Active Layout
  • Set the opacity of this panel.
  • Set this layout as your active layout.
  • Setup custom Text Coords for your texture.
  • Size of each tile.
  • Size of the text in points.
  • Solid
  • Strata
  • Sublevel
  • Sublevel allows you to have multiple backgrounds in the same draw layer for stacking effects
  • Text
  • Text Options
  • Text Positioning
  • Texture Options
  • Textures
  • There is already a panel with that name. Overwrite?
  • This is the general option menu. Core seetings are located in this main area.
  • This is the name as it will appear in drops down menus and the side tab.
  • This is the name of the layout, as it will appear in drops downs, and the under the Layout tab.
  • This is the path to the texture you wish to add. NOTE: this path must be realtive to the WoW folder and seperated by '\\'
  • This option allows you to turn kgPanels on/off
  • This option controls wether the panel will interact with the mouse. Required for OnLeave,OnEnter,OnClick
  • This will import a layout into your configuration.
  • This will toggle SetTexCoordModifiesRect.
  • Tile Background
  • Tile Size
  • Tile the background horizontally.
  • Tile the background texture, NOTE: this disables rotation and flipping.
  • Tile the background vertically.
  • To create a panel you are required to have a layout active.
  • Tooltip
  • Top
  • Top background inset.
  • Top Left
  • Top Left Corner
  • Top Right
  • Top Right Corner
  • ULx
  • ULy
  • Unknown
  • Up
  • URx
  • URy
  • Use custom TexCoords. This is an adavance feature.
  • User defined Panel
  • Vertical
  • Vertical Justification
  • Vertical Tiling
  • What you would like to appear on the panel.
  • X Offset
  • X offset from center. NOTE: postive for up, negative for down.
  • X offsetting, positive for right, negative for left.
  • Y Offset
  • Y offset. NOTE: positive for right, negative for left.
  • Y offsetting, positive for up, negative for down.

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