Create panels for customizing your UI, sucessor to eePanels
OnClick now provides a pressed and released variable you can check for.
if pressed then -- do mouse down actions elseif released then -- do mouse up actions end
This means your script will get called twice when someone clicks the panel.
Here is a youtube link to a video Tutorial
Ive created an Example Texture Pack.
This example pack is just a template. If you want to use it as a storage spot for your art, look at the read me file for directions on usage.
to detect in your in a raid or party
Thats the general gist of it, the numbers to check for are up to you.
to Check for a your pet
What I'm after includes a few "variables". Somewhat difficult to explain. I use SimpleThreatMeter. I have made a set of panels to "frame" it. I cannot parent nor anchor to it. So, using scripts I would like to have the panel show during the following events.
1. In combat + 2. In party / raid (with or without pet active) 3. Not in party / raid WITH pet active.
and just always hide ooc. Here is what I have so far but this is lacking the party/raid check and has me somewhat baffled...
OnLoad if select(2, UnitClass("player")) == "HUNTER" then self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") end self:Hide()
OnEvent if event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" then self:Hide() elseif event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" and UnitExists("pet") then self:Show() end
Thanks for the help. Since I've been getting better at Kgpanels, I'm only loving it more and more. Thanks for the help.
- Arrowsong
set the background style to none
I recently stopped using Discord Art due to it causing major lag, everyone recommended KG panels as the art mod to use, but I ran into a problem.
My image is 512x512 and previews of it show up in kg panels, but I cannot get it to show up in an actual panel (unless I click tile background ><).
here is the image if it helps:
/script message(GetMouseFocus():GetName())
Whenever i save a file using Photoshop as a .tga it gives it a solid fill white background (despite i save it as a checkered "empty" background), i cant see any help on the site after a mind numbing search, any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance
not there isnt at this time.
Is there a global lock/unlock option?
Yes, they are different profiles.