Fixing bug, tapped color not applied in reaction status.
Fix castbar bug, disabled castbars were not disabled.
New classif icon textures.
-"Elite Icon" converted to "Classification Icon", now displays class icons for players , rare/elite icons for npcs, or a user defined game texture/icon.
-Added several class/rare/elite icons.
-Now skins can be disabled (without removing the skin conditions).
-Now the addons tracks possible NPCS attackable/reaction changes and switch skins if necessary.
-Added options to export/import profiles to/from strings.
-Added a new option to display/hide friendly/enemy nameplates inside/outside instances
-Added Stack Nameplates option to minimap popup menu.
-Added "Unit is Attackable" condition.
-Added an optional custom format for "Name Text" widget, allowing to display extra info, like title, guild, npc professions in a multiline text.
-Replaced libkiwiclassicast library with LibClassicCasterino
-Added the posibility to use blizzard textures styles for borders (must be enabled in general tab).
-Icons position and size is configurable now.
-Now some Blizzard Border Textures can be used in nameplates, allowing to display nameplates with a more "Classic" look.