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When you say clickcast support, does this mean you'll make a config window as to what happens when you right/left/middleclick on the mt/ma windows, or that those frames will be "normal"/secure frames that can be used as normal via Clique or whatever click-casting addon you want to use?
Please please also include a Player target option, where the single user can define who (s)he wants to put up there, for better flexibility in guilds that don't adhere to a strict MT/MA scheme.
And ofc, integrate Blizz's MT/MA structure, so if you set MT/MA in Langoustine, it's set in Blizz's system and vice versa :)
will be secure frames that clique can use.
mt is set via /mt setting a player as MAINTANK or MAINASSIT is protected and requires secure frames, so a LDB button is problematic since they are secure. adding a slash command has the same issue, so instead I say use the builtin blizz slahs commands and/or set them in the raid tab. I added a /pt and /ptoff as companion commands to set private tanks.
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