Shows you a much bigger icon selection frame
Supports Macros, the Equipment Manager, Guild Bank, Warbanks and includes a search box!
(The icon selector window is no longer resizable)
Notice 2024-08-08: LargerMacroIconSelection briefly used IconFileNames as a separate addon but it's now in LargerMacroIconSelectionData, so you can safely remove the IconFileNames addon.
In reply to AlexL1118:
As a workaround. Go to Bliz equipment manager and change the icon there and Outfitter icon will update automatically.
Well i want to create a macro and bugsack put me out a error with your addon:
4x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'LargerMacroIconSelection' hat versucht die geschützte Funktion 'UNKNOWN()' aufzurufen.
[string "@!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua"]:519: in function <!BugGrabber\BugGrabber.lua:519>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `CreateMacro'
[string "@Blizzard_MacroUI\Blizzard_MacroUI.lua"]:492: in function `okayFunction'
[string "@SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:463: in function <SharedXML\SecureUIPanelTemplates.lua:459>
In reply to Forge_User_55245620:
Were you in combat? It's possible to create macros in combat but not when this addon is loaded and modifies the macro UI...
This seems a side effect of not letting addons and the like create macros in combat
In reply to Ketho17:
It can be possible, because i tried my macros with the dummys in orgrimmar.
Hi there,
Love your addon but I've run into a bug.
For organizing my macros I use an addon called Mega Macro. When I run both addons together LargerMacroIconSelection affects the macro selection dialog as expected but the search bar has disappeared. I am unsure if this is a bug with your addon or theirs but if you could look into it that would be great.
BE AWARE ... installation of Mega Macro will affect your macros. Best to backup your WTF directory, test/figure out the bug, and then, after you uninstall Mega Macro, restore your backup to get your macros back the way you want.
Thanks in advance!
In reply to Minstril43:
I'll look into it and thanks for the word of caution
In reply to Minstril43:
I checked with the latest release of Mega Macro and they recently added a new icon search functionality, it works a bit differently by scanning spell IDs instead of shipping a database
But anyway, when Mega Macro is loaded it seemingly overrides LargerMacroIconSelection from working, so there isn't much to test anymore I suppose
Thanks again for the warning though, it did destroy all my macros but I tested on the PTR so just a slight inconvenience
This should be standard.
In reply to LenweSaralonde:
Yeah, it was really useful before the default icon picker rework when it was just 5x4 icons. Now it could probably be improved to allow click and drag resizing like advancediconselector and be some kind of library. Foxlit suggested it to me and a lot of other users too
I don't think I can add those features in the near future because of being too busy but I'm already happy it has a very basic and working search bar
Just wanted to comment and say this addon is so simple, but so fantastic!! Blizzard really should have this in the UI by default so thank you for adding it!
Is there any way to make this addon work with the addon BindPad ( ? It's basically like the default macro UI but it has the ability to easily bind the macros to a key/mouse command.
Just thought I'd ask if it was something that could be done! :)
In reply to BubbleTria:
No, LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0 would have to be updated for that :(
In reply to Ketho17:
Oh no!! That's such a shame, but honestly, thanks for replying!! Either way, this is fantastic, and I just wish Blizzard would do something similar in the native UI.
Thanks for your time and effort =]
Just a cross-addon request, Rematch uses icons and it'd be great to use this for saving groups.
In reply to synthea79:
The thing is, LibAdvancedIconSelector-1.0 does exactly that, except the GUI part has to be updated and I definitely don't have the time to do that
LargerMacroIconSelection only uses LibAdvancedIconSelector's search functionality, feeds it the newest icon data and only modifies the default UI's icon picker instead of providing an API other addons could use
In reply to synthea79:
New (RETAIL 8.3.0) v1.5.5 not working!
Does this still work fine for WoW Retail v8.2.0?
In reply to JDM12983:
For retail it should still work, yes
In reply to Ketho17:
Yeah, wasn't sure if it had all the icons as of 8.2.0 release or not - I actually found the way to add everything from wowtools site you linked in one of your data file [FileData.lua]. Added in more icons that weren't in your release. (all textures under Interface/Icons/)
Your original file had 21,030 macro icons; mine is up to 21,089; added 59 more icons to the list.
In reply to JDM12983:
Yeah I've been lazy with adding icons ._.
I'll try to update it once 8.2.5 hits next tuesday/wednesday
Ketho, do you plan any update for classic? My take is it should work fine on Classic since it use the latest "core build" of the game and the macro system as well.