Death Knight translation issues #5

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to ckknight
  • Phanx created this issue May 3, 2009

    Currently, I cannot look up the English class name "Death Knight" in LibBabble-Class-3.0 as it appears in-game, as doing so generates a warning about "translation not found". Instead, I have to perform multiple string operations to lowercase the "K" and gsub out the space, as the class is keyed in the library as "Deathknight", which is not the proper class name in any locale. This is unintuitive, illogical, and casues unncessary performance overhead in all addons that use the library.

    This is also an issue because if I do a reverse lookup for the localized class name "Death Knight" from a non-English locale, I get back "Deathknight", which, as mentioned, is not the proper class name in any locale.

    A better solution would be to use the correct English class name "Death Knight", and add an additional API method for retrieving the "class token" (in this case, "DEATHKNIGHT"). This would be logical, intuitive, and obviate the need for multiple string operations.

  • Phanx added the tags New Enhancment May 3, 2009
  • nevcairiel posted a comment May 5, 2009

    I know its not the correct token, but someone did it this way, and it doesnt block functionality in any way. I'm kinda reluctant to hack up the generic babble core to allow for some special cases because some translator fucked up. Sadly we cannot just change the token due to compat reason, but honestly, the name of the token doesn't matter at all.

    You can use reverse translations to get the localized -> token, and store the token. Other way around you can do token -> localized. That the token happens to be the english name is convenient (in most cases), but could as well be "class10" instead.

    I don't see the need for any string operations to "fix" the class name, if used properly with reversed translations.

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