Note: LibMapData-1.0 is unmaintained, a suggested replacement library is HereBeDragons-1.0
Small library that provides mapfile data. it include width,height, upper left x,y and lower right x,y. This data includes multi-floor maps such as the new instances.
To get the mapfile names use GetMapInfo() on the current map. Filenames are constant across localizations.
Sample usage:
mapfiles = LibStub("LibMapData-1.0"); -- get the size of Coth defaulting to the first floor size local width,height = mapfiles:MapArea('CoTStratholme') -- get the size of the 8th floor of icc width,height = mapfiles:MapArea('IcecrownCitadel',8) -- get the size of the Arati mapfile. width,height = mapfiles:MapArea('Arathi')
The floors are optional and if a given floor is not found 0,0 will be returned. This lib came about as a result of several addons needing the data, and simply copying and pasting them in each copy occupies around 44k of memory.
LibMapData now supports Mapchanged callback event. Sample usage:
mapfiles = LibStub("LibMapData-1.0"); mapfiles:RegisterCallback("MapChanged",function(event,map,floor,w,h) print("Map is now " end
If you look at the API documentation for GetPlayerMapPosition() you will see that it returns (0,0) for all classic instances except for Northrend; so I believe that is not the case. As I said, it was working in the PTR but i think i had some of the values mixed up.
Seems a blizzard fault, in Warmaster blackhorn area:
GetPlayerMapPosition("player") always returns 0,0 instead of valid coordintates.
So it is not posible to fix the issue.
I'm getting the same as Remota. I had it working in the PTR at one point but now it's not working showing placements for PoH and CoH from GridStatusPriestAoE. Given the maps are so small it really doesn't matter too much but it's nice to have an optimal placement for the spells.
warmaster blackhorn and spine of deathwing doesn't work for me..
Same problem as others with Darkmoon Faire Map not showing...
My Carbonite Installation evidently uses this for map data
Entering darkmoonfaire
LibMapData-1.0 is missing data for 823
Entering darkmoonfaire
LibMapData-1.0 is missing data for 823
tagging a new release now
Your data for Dragon Soul floors 2 and 3 seems to be incorrect. We measured the first four floors for DBM by using the mage blink method as the data from the game files seemed to be incorrect. Here are our results for floor 2 and 3:
Floor, size X, size Y
2, 397.49887572464, 264.99992263558, -- Maw of Go'rath
3, 427.50311666243, 285.00046747363, -- Maw of Shu'ma
The game files and your library contain the following information:
2, 223.75, 91.25,
3, 1352, 1209.5,
ill update it
the datamined data for dragonsoul is incorrect for 2-3
this is the data i came up with using manual verification to confirm the data. 1 and 4 are correct 2 and 3 were way off and obvious when i was in zone trying to use that libmapdata's data
DragonSoul: 1, 3106.5011727905, 2063.0599688936, -- Dragonblight
DragonSoul: 2, 397.49887572464, 264.99992263558, -- Maw of Go'rath
DragonSoul: 3, 427.50311666243, 285.00046747363, -- Maw of Shu'ma
DragonSoul: 4, 185.18967803794, 123.4686967775, -- Eye of Eternity
ThePants99 - yes Cyprias - Yes
License was set as all rights reserved to counter those 3rd party rehosting sites
Is it still up to date or do I have the wrong WorldMapArea.dbc? I'm not getting any of the new dungeons or even Firelands when I output to the console/text file.
I could only find one WorldMapArea.dbc and that was in locale-enUS.MPQ.
Here is the data I gathered from 4.3. Just paste it in.
mapData[820] = { ['floors'] = 6, ['name'] = "EndTime", ['rzti'] = 938, ['map_type'] = 1, ['continent'] = 4, ['transform'] = 0,
[1] = {3295.8331298829,2197.9165039063,-2260.4165039063,4697.9165039063,1035.4166259766,2500},[2] = {562.5,375,-231.25,2918.75,-793.75,3293.75},[3] = {865.62054443357,577.0803222656,-534.89825439453,3499.9997558594,-1400.5187988281,4077.080078125},[4] = {475,316.6665039063,-1181.25,4229.1650390625,-1656.25,4545.8315429688},[5] = {696.884765625,464.58984375,290.109375,2570.830078125,-406.775390625,3035.419921875},[6] = {453.13500976562,302.08984375,646.35900878906,3970.830078125,193.22399902344,4272.919921875}, }
mapData[816] = { ['floors'] = 0, ['name'] = "WellofEternity", ['rzti'] = 939, ['map_type'] = 1, ['continent'] = 4, ['transform'] = 0, [1] = {1252.0830078125,833.3332519532,4650,3766.6665039063,5902.0830078125,2933.3332519531}, }
mapData[819] = { ['floors'] = 2, ['name'] = "HourofTwilight", ['rzti'] = 940, ['map_type'] = 1, ['continent'] = 4, ['transform'] = 0, [1] = {3043.7498779297,2029.1665039062,-1791.6666259766,5327.0830078125,1252.0832519531,3297.9165039063}, [2] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, }
mapData[824] = { ['floors'] = 7, ['name'] = "DragonSoul", ['rzti'] = 967, ['map_type'] = 2, ['continent'] = 0, ['transform'] = 0, [1] = { 3106.7084960938,2063.0651855469,833.5927734375,-565.0927734375,3940.3012695313,-2628.1579589844 }, [2] = { 223.75,91.25,2113.75, -1716.25,1890, -1625 }, [3] = { 1352,1209.5,3262, -2834.5, 1910, -1625 }, [4] = { 185.19921875,123.466796875,-13523.900390625, 13528.266601563,-13709.099609375,13651.733398438}, [5] = { 1.5,1,0.25, 0, -1.25, 1 }, [6] = { 1.5,1,0.25, 0, -1.25, 1 }, [7] = { 1108.3515625,738.900390625,-11427.07421875,-12254.900390625,-12535.42578125,-11516 }, }
I'll get it in tonight
Thanks! Did you previously use in game script macros to get the data or did you examine the map files from the .mpq files. I found macros to help me in game.
Mpq files. The data tools project has all the code
Hi - can I get permission to use this in my addon?
Bad idea to add no Licence. Noone can use this Lib in own addons ;)