Haste calculations #39

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  • Defect
Assigned to whitetooth3
  • _ForgeUser1193160 created this issue Sep 29, 2012

    Not sure if this is a RatingBuster or a LilStatLogic bug, but haste appears to be shown double in the RatingBuster stat summery.

  • _ForgeUser1193160 added the tags New Defect Sep 29, 2012
  • _ForgeUser1193160 added an attachment WoWScrnShot_092912_141704.png Sep 29, 2012


  • _ForgeUser581183 posted a comment Oct 1, 2012

    Looks like it's not just Haste:

    • Health: 11536 (+11536)
    • Ranged Attack Power: 1268.2 (+1268.2)
    • Ranged Crit Chance: 7.36% (+7.36%)
    • Ranged Haste: 1.83% (+1.83%)

    It looks like for every stat it think the "current" value is zero.

    i know the addons i'm maintaining that use LibStatLogic don't have that problem. So i'm gonna say pass it off to RatingBuster people.

  • mcremor posted a comment Oct 1, 2012

    I think he compared the item with an empty slot. Then the summary makes sense. At least that's the only way I could reproduce a summary like shown in the screenshot.

    The real problem is that the haste and crit percentages in the summary don't match the ones in the "Equip" lines. I couldn't reproduce the problem with haste, but could reproduce the problem with crit. For me the crit in the summary is way lower (about half) than the one in the "Equip" line. For him the crit percentage in the summary is way too high.

    Since the rating values are reported correctly in the summary (if enabled), I assume the problem is in the rating to percentage conversion.

    edit: Seems to be a problem with ranged rating conversion. If I enable haste and crit conversion for melee, ranged and spell, ranged always shows a different value than melee and spell. When I enable ranged haste in the summary I can reproduce the bug with ranged too.

    Edited Oct 1, 2012
  • _ForgeUser581183 posted a comment Oct 1, 2012

    <<reply 984513="">>

    I think he compared the item with an empty slot. Then the summary makes sense. At least that's the only way I could reproduce a summary like shown in the screenshot.

    i don't run RatingBuster but...

    ...doesn't number in parentesis indicate by how much your Health/Ranged Attack Power/Ranged Crit Chance/Ranged Haste will go up?

    Because there's no way his health will go up 11536 by equipping an item that will give him 11536. That would mean he had zero health to begin with!

    And if the value in parenthesis doesn't show you by how much your stat will go up - shouldn't be it changed to show that?

  • mcremor posted a comment Oct 2, 2012

    Yes, the values in parentesis show how much the stat goes up. Usually that is current item minus equipped item, but in his case it's the same as the number left of the parentesis because nothing is equipped in that slot (at least that's what I assume).

    Why shouldn't his health go up by 11536? That's completely unrelated to his current health. It goes up by 11536, not up to 11536.

    edit: I really don't know how all that rating conversions work in LibStatLogic, but it seems like CR_CRIT_SPELL, CR_CRIT_RANGED, CR_HASTE_SPELL and CR_HASTE_RANGED are missing in the combatRatingBonus table for level 85. Could this be the problem if he made the screenshot with level 85? I'm level 88 currently and maybe my crit conversion is wrong because there are no values for 88 yet?

    Edited Oct 2, 2012
  • _ForgeUser581183 posted a comment Oct 2, 2012

    <<reply 985384="">>

    Yes, the values in parentesis show how much the stat goes up. Usually that is current item minus equipped item, but in his case it's the same as the number left of the parentesis because nothing is equipped in that slot (at least that's what I assume).

    Why shouldn't his health go up by 11536? That's completely unrelated to his current health. It goes up by 11536, not up to 11536.

    i see. i wouldn't have written it that way. In fact, i didn't write it that way (in another addon).

    • If an item has 824 Stamina, that translates into 11536 Health.
    • i currently have equipped an item with 792 Stamina, that translates into 11,088 Health
    • This means that the new item will grant me 32 Stamina, and 448 Health
    • If i currently have 179,384 Health, i will gain (+0.250% Health)

    In which case i'd want to see

    Stat Summary
    Health 11,536 (+448)


    Stat Summary
    Health 11,536 (+0.250%)

  • mcremor posted a comment Oct 2, 2012
    Quote from JackTripper:

    In which case i'd want to see
    Stat Summary
    Health 11,536 (+448)

    That's exactly what would be shown with the item equipped you described. And following that logic, if no item is equipped, it's +11536 (11536 - 0 = 11536).

  • _ForgeUser1193160 posted a comment Oct 3, 2012

    @cremor: Go

    I'm level 90 and a Panda, I'm not sure if Pandren base stats are in LibStatLogic, or even if updated agi to crit is included in LibStatLogic, I just noticed that the stat summaries aren't matching what's in the equip lines.

  • mcremor posted a comment Oct 5, 2012

    All ranged ratings were doubled in the summary. Should be fixed in r387 of RatingBuster.

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