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UploadedSep 13, 2018
Size79.47 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 8.1.0
- 8.0.1
r211 | Odica | 2018-09-09 15:36:15 +0000 (Sun, 09 Sep 2018)
- added entrance portal coordinates for Waycrest Manor, Freehold, Tol Dagor and Shrine of the Storm
- added 'dynamic' entrance portal coordinates (because Horde and Alliance have separate entrances) for Siege of Boralus and The MOTHERLODE!!
- corrected entrance portal coordinates for The Underrot and Temple of Sethraliss
r209 | Odica | 2018-09-02 12:14:43 +0000 (Sun, 02 Sep 2018)
- corrected player level for The MOTHERLODE!!
- corrected player level for Tol Dagor
- corrected player level for Kings' Rest
- corrected paths for Nazmir
- added Waycrest Manor
- added Freehold
- added Siege of Boralus
- added Temple of Sethraliss
- added The Underrot
- min level for BfA dungeons now depends on faction ('hostile' dungeons are accassible from lvl 120)
r208 | Odica | 2018-09-02 10:27:39 +0000 (Sun, 02 Sep 2018)
- API change: exposed HereBeDragons. By calling LibTourist:GetHBD() the HBD 2.0 interface is now available through LibTourist without having to install or include HBD.
- fixed some translations
- added Atal'dazar
- added Kings' Rest
- corrected location and paths for The MOTHERLODE!!
- added Stormwind City - Stormshield Portal
- added Orgrimmar - Warspear Portal
r207 | Odica | 2018-08-13 22:51:10 +0000 (Mon, 13 Aug 2018)
- The Zandalar continent has its faction set to Horde
- The Kul Tiras continent has its faction set to Alliance
- GetMapNameById now returns the correct name for The Maelstrom continent (ID 948)
- GetLevel now returns nil for 'scaled' (the third return value) if high and low are equal (like for Suramar), as there is not much to scale in a one-level bracket
- The following transports have been replaced by portals:
Orgrimmar - Undercity zeppelin
Undercity - Grom'gol zeppelin
Undercity - Howling Fjord zeppelin
Stormwind City - Teldrassil boat
Teldrassil - Azuremyst boat