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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 9.1.5
r261 | Odica_Jaedenar | 2021-11-03 08:32:04 +0000 (Wed, 03 Nov 2021) | 76 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/LibTourist-3.0.lua
M /trunk/LibTourist-3.0.toc
Checked and tested the entire path registration representing the network of road connections, boats, zeppelins, portals, waystones and teleports, connecting zones and instances, used by functions like IteratePath.
General changes related to path connections:
- Introduced "Portal" as a zone type, required to be able to distinguish between hostile transports like zeppelins (that can be used by the opposite faction) and hostile portals (that cannot be used by the opposite faction). This information is used by IteratePath. All portals and teleports and one boat (Dazar'Alor - Mechagon Island, see below) are now of type "Portal". A Portal is treated like a Transport.
- Introduced "Flightpath" as a zone type, representing a taxi service path to be used as connection when that is the only way to gain access to a zone without using a flying mount. It's sort of a fake road connection, implemented at specific locations to make sure ALL zones known in LibTourist's administration are connected to each other. A Flightpath is treated like a Transport. See below for a list of introduced Flight paths.
- Improved the function that determines the price of a connection for IteratePath when trying to find a route between two zones. Hostile portals and flightpaths are now inaccessible. Flightpaths are relatively expensive as these should only be included in a route when there is no alternative. Finally, expansion content that is not yet available to a character (based on character level) is now inaccessible: no route will be found by IteratePath.
- Reverse engineered the IteratePath function (which has not changed at all since 2007!) so I finally understand how it works. Added code comments to clarify. The function code still remains unchanged :-)
Changes to path connection data:
-- Split up The Dark Portal in portal connections Hellfire Peninsula - Blasted lands and vice versa
-- Changed road connection Darnassus - Teldrassil into a Teleport
-- Added Dazar'Alor - Mechagon Island boat (works like a portal) (Horde)
-- Added Mount Hyjal - Molten Front portal
-- Added Flight paths (see note above) for:
Isle of Quel'Danas - Eastern Plaguelands (Alliance)
Isle of Quel'Danas - Silvermoon City (Horde)
Dalaran (Nothrend) - Icecrown
Dalaran (Nothrend) - Wintergrasp
Kun-Lai Summit - Isle of Giants
The Jade Forest - Timeless Isle (replacing a road connection)
Kelp'thar Forest - Ironforge (Alliance)
Kelp'thar Forest - Undercity (Horde)
Kelp'thar Forest - Searing Gorge (Horde)
Dalaran (Legion) - Azsuna
Dalaran (Legion) - Broken Shore
Dalaran (Legion) - The Vindicaar
Dalaran (Legion) - Broken Shore
Tiragarde Sound - Mechagon Island (Alliance)
Oribos - Bastion
Oribos - Maldraxxus
Oribos - Revendreth
Oribos - Ardenweald
Bastion - Elysian Hold (replacing a road connection)
-- Added Argus teleport system:
The Vindicaar - Krokuun
The Vindicaar - Mac'Aree
The Vindicaar - Antoran Wastes
Krokuun - Mac'Aree
Krokuun - Andoran Wastes
Mac'Aree - Andoran Wastes
Bugfixes related to path connections:
- Lua error: when IteratePath encountered Northern Stranglethorn while searching for a path, an error would occur when the game locale was not set to English (zone name was not translated, causing a mismatch)
- Several instances were missing a path connection from the zone they reside in to the instance; this has been fixed so all instances can be used by IteratePath as a starting point for a route
- Corrected destination of the Orgrimmar/Stormwind portals to Vashj'ir, now connect to Abyssal Depths
- Fixed The Maw - Oribos Waystone (wrong travel direction)
- Fixed typo in Bloodmaul Slag Mines path to Frostfire Ridge
- Fixed typo in Eye of Azshara path to Azsuna
- Fixed typo in Vault of the Wardens path to Azsuna
- Fixed typo in Blade's Edge Arena path to Blade's Edge Mountains
- Added missing path Mulgore - Camp Narache
- Added missing path Kun-Lai Summit - Townlong Steppes
- Added missing paths Highmountain/Stormheim - Thunder Totem
Other changes:
- Set version in TOC to 90105
- Added The Vindicaar (ship on Argus)
- Added Sanctum of Domination (raid instance)
- Fixed typo in Bloodmaul Slag Mines entrance location zone
- Fixed typo in Eye of Azshara entrance location zone
- Fixed typo in Vault of the Wardens entrance location zone
- come code cleanup
- figure out what to do with Undercity and Darnassus