LilSparky's Workshop
LilSparky's Workshop adds auction-derived pricing information for trade skills right into the trade skill recipe frame. Each skill is evaluated for material costs and potential value of the item created. These two numbers are listed next to each skill in an easy-to-read format.
Supported Auction Scanners:
- Auctioneer
- AuctionLite
- AuctionMaster
- Auctionator
Optionally Requires:
- Informant (for vendor availability)
LibPeriodicTable (for vendor availability)
Trade Skill Interfaces Supported:
- GnomeWorks
- AdvancedTradeSkillWindow
- Skillet
- Blizzard's Standard UI
- Doublewide Tradeskills
- Tradeskill HD
Auction pricing models can be selected by right-clicking either the value column or the cost column (each can have a different pricing method attached).
The Value column can be left clicked to cycle through the different valuation methods for the resultant item: Auction Value (a), Vendor Value (v), Disenchant Value (d) or the greatest of the three different values (the default). Any instance of an item Value being greater than the Cost to create it will have a highlighted Value entry. Optionally, the Value column can be displayed as a percentage of the Cost column.
The Cost column simply sums up the costs for each reagent and reports the total.
Both columns can be combined into a single "Profit" column which simply reflects the Value minus the Cost.
Tooltips for each column give more details about the price breakdowns LSW is considering.
A note regarding vendor availability:
LSW utilizes supplied item databases to determine when an item is readily available from a vendor. Occasionally this may not be accurate, usually because the item is a trade in for another item and not buyable with gold. I have provided a simple way to over-ride the vendor database:
/script LSWConfig.vendorOverride[item#] = (true/false/nil)
The item# is the item ID for the specific item. It is a single number. For example, 2589 is Linen Cloth.
Setting the value to "true" means the item is available at the vendor.
Setting the value to "false" means the item is not available at the vendor.
Setting the value to "nil" means to use the provided databse.
There is now also a right-click option to override the vendor availability and also to hand enter specific prices for items.
A note about frame/auction support:
LSW utilizes a plug in scheme to handle support to handle pricing and frame support. I am unlikely to add additional plugins directly into LSW. The goal of the plugin system is to provide basic templates that other addon authors could employ to provide LSW support on their end while at the same time providing functionality for a base set of common mods. Addon authors are free to contact me regarding the plugin system if issues arise or the system doens't make sense.
by the time you have inserted the code, this line becomes 1241
notepad++ is great way to edit lua files
Ok, my bad :) didnt count that the lines got pushed down due to the extra added function :P I just looked at what line it was unedited, and yes I use Notepad++ :)
Works Great thanks for explaining!!! :D:D
+1 for Notepad++
Posted this on Skillet:
There is still a problem with the latest version. It almost freezes the game every time you open the profession frame or switch between professions when it is open. It is especially bad with professions with a lot of recipes like LW and JC. I have a feeling it has something to do with the ReagentLink workaround. Having Lil Sparkys Workshop also installed makes the problem even worse.
Seems like a re-factor of the code is in order since the Blizzard UI opens instantly. There shouldn't be such a huge penaltly to use Skillet/LSW. They are invaluable but almost unusable in their current state.
Hopefully the authors or new coders can get if fixed.
no, that didnt work
Message: ...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1200: attempt to call global 'FixedGetTradeSkillItemLink' (a nil value) Time: 03/07/13 19:46:52 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\AtrErrorInspector.lua:106: in function <Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\AtrErrorInspector.lua:51> [C]: in function `FixedGetTradeSkillItemLink' ...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1200: in function <...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1189> ...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1618: in function `triggerFunction' ...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:2610: in function <...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:2602>
Locals: msg = " ...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1200: attempt to call global 'FixedGetTradeSkillItemLink' (a nil value)" funcnames = <table> { 1 = "FixedGetTradeSkillItemLink" 2 = "triggerFunction" } funcstr = "FixedGetTradeSkillItemLink > triggerFunction" looksLikeAuctionatorError = false inAtrErrorHandler = true origErrorHandler = <function> defined *:OnLoad:1 zc = <table> { msg_red = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:608 IsEnglishLocale = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\AuctionatorLocalize.lua:52 msg_badErr = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:644 tallyAdd = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1121 msg = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:737 GetArrayElemOrFirst = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:150 NumToBool = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:562
In regards: Change one line in UpdateRecipeCache() to point to the new function
What line did you change?
Like this?
if skillType = "header" then local itemLink = FixedGetTradeSkillItemLink(i)
@karthus is this all we need to do to make it compatible with 5.2
Blatantly stole this from Skillet.
Add this function above UpdateRecipeCache()
Change one line in UpdateRecipeCache() to point to the new function.
Blatantly stole this from Skillet.
Add this function above UpdateRecipeCache()
local function FixedGetTradeSkillReagentItemLink(i,j)
local tooltip = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", "LilSparkyDataScanTooltip", UIParent, "GameTooltipTemplate")
tooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE")
local _, reagentLink = tooltip:GetItem()
return reagentLink
Change one line in UpdateRecipeCache() to point to the new function.
Buhuuu, this is not working as of 5.2 :( I would really like if you or someone fixed this :) I have become so used to this awsome tool feels like loosing a leg :S. Maybe a Fan update? wish I had an ounce of LUA knowledge so i could see what is wrong.
insert at end:
[104404] = 74713, -- Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike (333)
[104338] = 74700, -- Enchant Bracer - Mastery (334)
Fixes bug where those enchants would not be able to be used for log of pricing and sales.
So can we assume that LSW is officially dead? Current version is outdated and the outdated one is actually an alpha not to mention there has been very little activity lately. It's a shame because LSW is one of the most helpful addons out there along with Auctioneer. :(
Date: 2012-12-20 16:37:23
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: integer overflow attempting to store 1.#INF
[C]: SetFormattedText()
...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:499: Show()
...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1573: triggerFunction()
(*temporary) = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = "%d%%"
(*temporary) = 1.#INF
Got this:
Message: integer overflow attempting to store 1.#INF
Time: 12/05/12 06:23:00
Count: 10085+
Stack: [C]: ?
[C]: in function `SetFormattedText'
...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:499: in function `Show'
...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:1573: in function `triggerFunction'
...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:2673: in function <...ace\AddOns\LilSparkysWorkshop\lilsparkysworkshop.lua:2665>
anyone know of a replacement for this addon that ISN'T TradeSkillMaster?
i having having a proble with this addon since the 5.1 release, it is not letting me load out of date there an update coming or do you have another suggestion for me.
Are you planning to update this addon ? I really loved it and it would be really cool if it would get updated ;)
there is a version that was updated 9/29/2012 here:
Really hope this gets updated or some replacement will come. I dont like TSM.