Written by luggy @ Stormrage-EU
Allow designation of a rotation to the hunters, to be displayed graphical on all hunter's screen.</li>
Further localization. The addon use ace locale and is written with this in mind, but any translations would need to be given to me as I do not speak the other languages. See locale-enUS.lua and locale-deDE.lua for a guide on the localization process, is very simple.</li>
Latest Changes
lugMD 0.52 beta 1NB localisations are not yet complete.Updated to be compatible with WoW 2.2 Added option to announce when your MD buff is over e.g. when you have cancelled it or used 3 shots. Targets window is no longer anchored to the minimap, instead an anchor similar to the one used by the timer bars. Enable show anchors to move it's position.
lugMD has two main features timer bars and target assignment.Timer bars
- The buff bar - the time left on the MD buff (maximum 30 secs).
- The cooldown bar - the remaining cooldown on MD before the hunter can cast again (120 seconds).
- Additionally, the following message can optionally sent to raid or party chat --Misdirection cast on %T--
MD Target Assignment
For those that have raid leader or raid assistance status MD target assignment is done via a simpel menu: Shift+left-clicking the lugMd icon will bring up a menu allowing assignment of hunters and tanks to the raid target icons. left-clicking the lugMd icon will then announce those targets to the channels specified in the options (DEFAULT: raid) e.g. White Skull: Luggy --> Tank1 Blue Square: Hunter 2 --> Tank 2 etc There is currently no logic to detect mutliple assignments so be careful :)Usage
lugMd configures it's communication automatically, all it needs is for all raiding hunters to posses the addon. A typical example would be all the hunters in a guild to download and run the addon for a raid on Grull's lair. On first load, two anchor bars will be show, one for each timer group. These can be dragged to the desired location and hidden by left clicking on the lugMD minimap icon or alternatively a command line option. To test the lugMD timers outside of a raid/party, simply target your pet and cast Misdirection.About lugMD
lugMd is an Ace2 addon designed to assist raiding hunters coordinate their Misdirection (MD) abilities. lugMd is best experienced in a raid environment. Designed to send and receive messages to/from hunters in a raid group, lugMD will trigger a timer bar for each hunter on all hunter's screens. In this way, members can clearly see targets and cooldowns. All required Ace2 libraries are distributed within the download. I designed lugMD to help overcome the problem of accidental wastage or incorrect targeting of mobs. For example, hunter A uses his initiative and casts MD on the Main Tank just before the boss pull, starts an aimed shot but before it fires, hunter B unwittingly casts MD too. Likely result is hunter A to get initial aggro and any nasties that may follow.Options
To access the options right-click the lugMD minimap icon, or alternatively type/lmdto bring up a list of command line options.
solved that error, copied candybar lib from lugmd to ora2 lib, guess some version conflicts
Those files are leftover from some other things I was testing, they can safely be deleted and will be removed in 0.4 proper. Not sure wabout that error at the mo, will loook into it. If you run into any other bugs please let me know so i can fix them in this beta :) Additionally, with localization, you may come across something like |cffBF1824 is for colouring of the text, to appear on the tooltip. please leave that there but you can safely change the "Requires interface reload" for german equivalent
Good job, luggy! I like the fubar plugin :) German localisation for lugMD 0.4beta will be posted soon. What about "copy of lugMD.xml" and "localise.lua"?
Suggestions: 1) Automatically enable when joining a raidgroup, automatically disable when leaving a raidgroup. And a command to enable/disable this feature(always enabled).
2)Option to enable/disable the messages sent to the raidgroup (--Misdirecrion cast on XYZ--)
3)Graphical interface which opens on /lmd or /lugmd(or even fubar?), as many people find it hard to deal with slashcommands. Scale options could be a slider then, the rest checkboxes.
Np for spam, is great to get feedback and fix the bugs :)
Sry for annoying you, but the .toc uploaded seems not to be updated. But the localisation finally works as intended after adding locale-deDE.lua in the toc :) Hope u don't mind my spam, i just love this mod :)
Thanks Endeavour, I knew there was likely somethings I missed. Have changed the way the fontstring is named slightly and added your translation.
Thanks again for the work.
Guess i found 2 things not localiseable atm in lugMD.lua and lugMD.xml as they're not mentioned in the localisation file:
in lugMD.lua at line 142 in function lugMD:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT()
if (spellname == "Misdirection") then
must be
if (spellname == "Irref\195\188hrung") then
in german.
line 27 and 64 in the lugMD.xml <FontString name="$parentText" inherits="GameFontNormal" text="buff anchor">
There's no good translation for "anchor" in german(they would think about a mechanism to prevent a ship from swimming away), but replacing text="buff anchor" and text="cooldown anchor" to text="Verschieb mich(Buffs)" and text="Verschieb mich(CDs)" will be easily understandable for every german. (verschieb mich means move me)
This would be the locale-deDE.lua, i tested it and it works flawlessly:
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("lugMD") --German translation by Endeavour EU@Arthas, Niro EU@Frostmourne L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
-- Initialise chat commands ["/lmd"] = "/lmd", ["/lugmd"] = "/lugmd", ["/lugMD"] = "/lugMD",
-- Command line options/messages
--Show options
["Toggle Anchors."] = "Fenster sperren an/aus", ["Toggle the buff and cooldown anchors."] = "Buff- und Cooldownfenster sperren an/aus.",
["Toggle buffs."] = "Buffdauer an/aus.", ["Toggle the buff duration timers."] = "Buff-Timer anzeigen.", --["Buffs will be shown from now on."] = "Buffs werden nun angezeigt.",
["Toggle cooldowns."] = "Cooldowndauer an/aus", ["Toggle the cooldown duration timers."] = "Cooldown-Timer anzeigen.", --["Cooldowns will be shown from now on."] = "Cooldowns werden nun angezeigt.",
-- growup bars ["Toggle growup."] = "Leisten nach oben anordnen an/aus", ["Toggle the timers growth."] = "Bei mehreren Leisten die Leisten nach oben anordnen an/aus",
-- version ["Report Version."] = "Versionsnummer anzeigen.", ["Prints the lugMD version."] = "Gibt die lugMD-Versionsnummer aus.",
["Scale buffs."] = "Bufftimergr\195\182ße.", ["Scale the buff timers."] = "\195\132ndert die gr\195\182\195\159e der Bufftimer.",
["Scale cds"] = "Cooldowngr\195\182ße.", ["Scale the cd timers"] = "\195\132ndert die gr\195\182\195\159e der Cooldowntimer.",
-- Core ["Your Cooldown"] = "Dein Cooldown", ["Misdirection fades from you."] = "Irref\195\188hrung schwindet von euch.", ["'s Cooldown"] = "'s Cooldown",
["Reload interface for option to take effect"] = "UI neu laden, um Einstellungen zu \195\188bernehmen.",
["--Misdirection cast on "] = "--Irref\195\188hrung gewirkt auf ",
} end)
Thanks Luggy, as this is the 1st Acemod i'm translating :) Will be completely done wednesday and posted here.
To Aphelandra:
I understand your point about hunter A and B. To be honest I am not sure which situation is likely to be true, from the Misdirection tooltip:
Threat caused by your next 3 attacks is redirected to the target raid member. Caster and target can only be affected by one Misdirection spell at a time. Effect lasts 30 sec.
I have taken this to mean that hunter B's will overwrite hunter A's but I could be mistaken. If B gains the cooldown but not the buff, or gets both (overwriting A) A or B will have have wasted a MD :)
I have seen Hunter Misdirectionhelper, not yet tested it out yet as I personally like to control my MD targets via the focus tool. Either I target the player and type /focus, or /focus PLAYERNAME, then I have the macro to let me cast without changing my target.
/cast [target = focus] Misdirection
However, I will bare in mind your comment and see if I can integrate some of that functionality into lugMD.
a combination of this addon and "Hunter Misdirectionhelper" ( would be nice. The last one will give you the ability (within a macro) to cast md without changing your target.
btw: i think, hunter B won't overwrite hunter A's md. B is the one gaining aggro, 'cause md-cooldown starts but no md is castet
Hm was extremely hard to translate, translating the locale-enUS didn't work, had to translate everything in the lugMD, too. Please use Variables as often as you can, this would make translation a lot easier. My version now is compatible with the deDE client but not with the enUS version.
Tested and i like it, if you will really implement all features you're talking about this will be my most important hunter mod.
As i am german i will translate this into german this night and send you my work so you can update it.