Announces into Part/Raid chat when using certain Mage spells
Supported Spells
- Polymorph
- Slow
- Counterspell
- Portal
Other Features
- Supports randomization for spell announcements
- Can warn players targeting your Polymorph target to stop attacking
These tokens can be used in messages and will be replaced by the information listed
- %s
- Replaced by the City Name for Portal messages
- Replaced by the targets sex for other messages
- %l
- Replaced by the targets level
- %r
- Replaced by the targets race
- %c
- Replaced by the targets class
- %d
- Same as doing %l-%r-%c-%s
- /magea or /mageannounce - opens the configuration window
just downloaded the new version. will try it out! thanks for the work and features!
I just uploaded a beta for 0.5.
I added the option to broadcast to a custom chat channel, it may still contain some bugs so I'd like people to do some testing on it.
I also removed the individual messages for each portal, there is now just 1 message used to each portal but if you use %s it will be substituted with the name of the city you are porting to, for example "Incoming Portal to %s" would become "Incoming Portal to Ironforge" when opening an IF portal.
Please post any bugs you find here, I will be away for a few days as I am moving to college this week but I will work on any bugs when I get back.
I fixed an error in the code that will hopefully fix your problem with Counterspell not working.
edit: I figured out why it's not working for counterspell, it's because the way I am detecting spells doesn't for for insta casts. I'll have to figure out some way to do that.
I like it so far! I don't have slow anymore so I cannot test its use currently :( I did turn off the polymorph announce after testing it due to liking the random poly messages with Cryolysis. Then the counterspell part....
I actually was coming here to post that the counterspell announcer wasn't working, when I realized why it might not be. I am currently using a macro to cast counterspell and announce it to party and our guild mage channel. I could modify this macro and remove the announce parts since this mod would now do that, but I realized another thing... I want to keep using this macro because I have have it stop any casting at the beginning of the macro. My macro reads like this:
/stopcasting /cast Counterspell /6 ** Counterspell Used ** /p ** Counterspell Used **
So it probably will work if I put the actual Counterspell spell back on my hotbar, but that would defeat the primary purpose of why I have it macro'd. Is it possible to code your spell casting detection to include macros?
Now to find or code my own quick little addon that simply looks for and detects counterspell, and stops spell casting. Then I won't need to use the macro (but I'll keep it handy for testing if you'd like).
Awesome to see! Going to download the current version and give it a try. I will get back to you on it
That's definitely something I can work on.
The server my main and my mage are on is one of the realms down for 48 Hours, so I will have lots of time to work on this until Thursday, but I won't be able to do much testing.
Would like to see support for Counterspell and Slow as well. Arcane Power and Evocation are two that are useful as well to have at times. Another request is the ability to optionally broadcast to a custom chat channel, either in addition to, or instead of, raid or party. A simple macro could do this, but if you coded it so that it would only be broadcast to this chat channel while in a raid (togglable to be broadcast to the chat channel always), that would go above and beyond a macro and be extremely useful.
A Macro will only broadcast to one channel, this will broadcast to a raid if you're in a raid or a party if you're in a party.
Or, you could just make a macro that says:
/say (or /p or /ra) Opening a portal to Shattrath!
/cast Portal: Shattrath