Traditional Chinese
All Namespaces
- %s is not available to be looted. Is master looting enabled and is the loot window open?
- %s was already awarded %s in this event. Do you want to add another entry
- |cfffe1f1fCan't use the item|r
- |cffffffffMagicDKP|r |cffffff00Left click|r to toggle the configuration screen.
- 1 Month
- 10-Man
- 25-Man
- 3 Months
- 6 Months
- A bid is currently in progress. Please wait for the bid to finish to assign the item.
- Active profile: %s
- Add custom event
- Add event
- Add extra attendee
- Add extra standby attendee
- Add Item
- Add Item...
- Add Standby to Raid
- Adjustments
- Allow Bid Changes
- Allow Lowering Bids
- Allow players to whisper you a query to check their or a classes DKP status.
- alt add <alt> <player> - associate <alt> to <player>
- Alt Characters
- alt clear <alt> - remove the alt association for <alt>
- alt list <player> - list all alts of <player>
- Alternate character management.
- Alts and Standby
- Any size raid
- Are you sure you want remove %s from the list?
- Are you sure you want to delete the raid from the database? |cffd9d919This action can not be undone!|r
- args: <itemlink> - Start a new DKP bid
- args: <looter> <itemlink> - add an item to the current raid/event
- Ask for confirmation when sending loot to be disenchanted.
- Ask for confirmation when sending loot to the bank.
- Attempt to detect alts in the guild notes
- Attendees
- Attention: Bidding for [item] now open for [timeout] seconds.
- Attention: Bidding for [item] now open.
- Auto Bid Quality Threshold
- Available
- Available whisper commands:
- Award Message
- Bank
- Bank Item
- Bank items will be assigned to a special bank character with a zero value. Use this for items you want to track but which should have no recipients, for example epic gems.
- Banker
- Bid
- Bid Amount
- Bid Amount Method
- Bid Announce Message With Duration
- Bid Announce Message Without Duration
- Bid Channels
- Bid Close Message
- Bid completed. %d/%d bids.
- Bid Extension
- Bid hidden pending own bid
- Bid in progress. %d/%d bids.
- Bid in progress: %d seconds remaining. %d/%d bids.
- Bid Pending
- Bid Priorities
- Bid Priority
- Bid Timeout
- Bidding for [item] is now closed.
- Bidding pending...
- Can't determine your class. Please query with an explicit class instead: %s <class name>
- Class: |cff33ff99%s|r
- Clear alt when guild note is missing
- Clear Globals After Import
- Clear the global variables used in the data import after import is done. This option will save memory by removing unused data. Do not enable if you has another addon enabled that uses this data.
- Click on the text field below and copy the data to export it.
- Close
- Close Bid Automatically
- Confirm Bank Loot
- Confirm Disenchant Loot
- Confirm New Auto Bid
- Cost
- Couldn't give the item since no recipient was found.
- Count
- CTRT Alias Export
- CTRT Export
- Current
- Current DKP for %s:
- Current DKP for %s: %s
- Data Housekeeping
- Debug messaging
- Debug trace messages
- Default
- Default DKP Pool
- Delete
- Delete all items not currently used in any raids. Note that predefined items such as badges will be kept. Unless specifically selected, ignored and banked items will be not be removed.
- Delete all players not in your current guild. Players in existing raids will also be kept however.
- Delete attendee
- Delete Banked Items
- Delete Ignored Items
- Delete old raids
- Delete Raid
- Delete standby attendee
- Delete this raid from the database.
- Delete Unused Items
- Didn't find %s on the list of valid master loot candidates. Can't assign loot.
- Disabled
- Disenchant
- Disenchanter
- DKP Bid Master
- DKP Bidder
- DKP Database
- DKP Export
- Do you want to start a new bid for %s?
- Don't ask to take attendance when this boss dies.
- Don't import any information for players that has zero DKP earned.
- Don't show players that is not in the guild when answering dkp whispers.
- Earned
- Enable loot notification messages
- Enable MagicDKP Client Bids
- Enable MagicDKP event tracking.
- Enable MagicLooter support
- Enable minimap icon
- Enable MultiDKP Support
- Enable or disable the addon.
- Enable standby tracking
- Enable Whisper Bids
- Enable Whisper Queries
- Enable XLootMaster hook
- Enable zone and item level overrides for MultiDKP tracking. If disabled, the default dkp pool as configured in the DKP Database will be used.
- Enabled logging of players joining or leaving the raid. The resulting data can be used to enable time based DKP tracking. Note that this data is currently only surfaced in the MagicDKP export format.
- End Bidding
- Enter value for %s, looted by %s.
- Errors and warnings
- Errors only
- Event name
- Event Time
- Event Value
- Events
- Expire out-of-guild players.
- Export raid information in a format understood by CT_RaidTracker compatible importers.
- Export raid information in MagicDKP's own XML format.
- Export the list of all aliases in the format used by the CTRT importer in EQDKP.
- Filter by Rank
- Filter DKP Whispers
- Filter Guild Only entries
- Filter in and outgoing DKP whisper commands.
- Filter out non-raiding ranks in whisper responses.
- Filter Zero DKP Entries
- Fixed Value
- Force the current active raid, if any, to end.
- Force the current raid to end and a new one to be created.
- General
- General Options
- Get item bid summary: %s [item link]
- Get own DKP: %s
- Get player DKP: %s <player name>
- Get specific class DKP: %s <class name>
- Get tier token DKP: %s tier
- Get your own class DKP: %s class
- Hide
- Highest Bidder
- Highest level of debug log spam
- If a mob is on farm mode, MagicDKP will not ask about wipe DKP events when wiping on the boss.
- If an item has a fixed value MagicDKP will not ask for a value when the item is looted. It will use the value configured on this screen.
- If checked, standby attendees will be added to the regular list of attendees for an event when doing a CTRT export.
- If checked, the name of the custom event will be used for both the zone name and boss kill name when exporting to CTRT. If unchecked, the zone name will be the name of the raid level zone.
- If enabled whisper bids are allowed to lower a previous bid.
- If enabled whisper bids are allowed to overrwrite previous bids.
- If enabled, MagicDKP will attempt to automatically discover the main character of alternate characters by looking looking in first the guild note, then the officer note, for text matching the following pattern: |cffc9ffa9Alt: /main char name/|r
- If enabled, remove alts from any character where the alt guild note is not discovered. Note that this might not work correctly for out of guild alts.
- Ignore
- Ignore boss
- Informational messages
- Is farm
- Item Cleanup
- Item database
- Item given to %s for a bid of %d dkp.
- Item given to %s for banking.
- Item given to %s for disenchanting.
- Item given to %s.
- Item History
- Item Level
- Level: |cff33ff99%d|r
- Listen to Loot Events
- Log a wipe for the current boss
- Log Joins and Leaves
- Log level
- Loot
- Loot Confirmation
- Loot Confirmation Threshold
- Looter
- Magic DKP
- MagicDKP Export
- MagicDKP supports zone and item overrides for MultiDKP.
- MagicDKP: Logging raid attendance for
- MagicDKP: Taking standby DKP for event
- Main Character: |cff33ff99%s|r
- Main Characters
- Max Raid Age
- Messages
- Min Bid: %d Max Bid: %d Average Bid: %d Total Drops: %d.
- Minimum Raid Size
- Minimum remaining duration of the bidding after receiving a new bid. This can be used to automatically extend the bid duration after a bid is received. A value of zero disables the feature.
- Multi DKP
- MultiDKP is a feature in EQDKPPlus that allows tracking of multiple separate DKP pools.
- MultiDKP Pool
- Name of the event to use when adding the even to the current raid, i.e boss name or encounter name such as Illidari Council or Reliquary of Souls. If multiple non-ignored mobs share the same event, MagicDKP will not ask to take attendance until all the mobs are dead. When you modify the event name, all boss mobs with the same event will be modified.
- Never Delete
- No bid information found for %s.
- No bids found.
- No data found for %s. Showing data for main character %s.
- No DKP data found for %s. Try "/w %s %s help" for more information.
- No DKP data found for:
- No DKP history found.
- No item history found.
- Note that MultiDKP support requires a valid GetDKP import in the DKP Database.
- Note: Use the |cff33ff99/md alt|r commands to edit alts. UI editing TBD.
- Notes
- Notifications
- Ok
- Only enable tracking when you're part of a raid larger than this. Note that tracking only will be enabled if you're actually in a raid, regardless of the value of this option.
- Only track loot, don't ask for DKP values
- Pass
- Player
- Player Cleanup
- Player database
- Player DKP
- Player: |cff33ff99%s|r
- Query raid for their MagicDKP versions.
- Raid
- Raid End Time
- Raid Expiration
- Raid Start Time
- Raid Zones
- Raids
- Rank: |cff33ff99%s|r
- Record attendance for %s?
- Redo Bid
- Report events taken to raid chat
- Report standby events to guild chat
- Reset event name
- rightclicking the item. Note that this may result in a disconnect!
- Say
- Second Highest +1
- Select the raider ranks of your guild. Only the selected ranks will be included in the raid standby calls.
- Selected Player
- Send a message to guild chat when recording a standby event.
- Send a message to raid chat when an event is recorded.
- Send loot notification to guild chat
- Send the loot notification message to guild chat instead of raid chat.
- Set the event name to the default value. This will NOT affect other boss mobs with the sane event name.
- Settings
- Show
- Show an icon to open the config at the Minimap
- Spent
- Standby Attendees
- Standby Guild Ranks
- Still in progress
- Take a custom event snapshot.
- Take attendance for this event
- The channels that DKPBidder will listen to bids on. If no channels are selected, only bids sent by MagicDKP_Client will be recorded.
- The default DKP Pool to use when there is no zone or item override is configured under the DKP Database.
- The default DKP to use when logging and fetching DKP. This will be used when bidding using MagicDKP Bidder and when recording DKP changes. Zone and Item level settings in MagicDKP can be used to override the default.
- The default or fixed value of the item. Bank items will always be logged with a value of zero. For bidding DKP this value is just used as the default.
- The DKP Pool to use when taking bids and charging for items in this zone. This overrides the default setting but not item specific settings. The default pool will be used if this is unset.
- The DKP Pool to use when taking bids and charging for this item. This overrides both the default and zone-wide setting. If left at Default, it will use whatever the tier defined for the players zone or the overall data.
- The list of bid priorities that are sent to the MagicDKP Client. Useful if you separate bids main spec and off spec bids for example. Has no effect on whisper bids.
- The logging level determines the amount of output printed by the addon. Debug can be useful as you're getting use to the addon or want to figure out why it marked in a specific way. Trace is only useful for debugging and for development purposes.
- The message sent to the raid or party when a new bid begins. Used for bids with a duration. The following token can be used: [item] (the item link) and [timeout] (the bid timeout).
- The message sent to the raid or party when a new bid begins. Used when the bid has no duretion set. The following token can be used: [item] (the item link)
- The message sent to the raid or party when the bidding is closed. The following token can be used: [item].
- The message to send to the raid when awarding an item.
- The method used when determining how much dkp a user should pay. The methods are: Bid Amount (the exact amount the user entered), Second Highest +1 (second highest bid amount plus 1 dkp).
- The percentage of the raid that has to be dead before MagicDKP asks whether to record a wipe event.
- The whisper command used to query DKP status.
- This item is not in your cache. You can try to get the information by
- Time in seconds before the bid time expires. Set to zero to avoid bid expiration.
- Toggle configuration dialog
- Track wipes as events
- Use custom event name as zone name
- Value
- When an item is ignored, MagicDKP will not log any information about it when it's looted.
- When deleting unused items, also delete ignored items.
- When deleting unused items, also delete items that are sent to the bank by default.
- When enabled MagicDKP Bidder will listen to bids sent via chat messages in one or more of raid chat, whispers or says.
- When enabled MagicDKP Bidder will send bid events to MagicDKP Client.
- When enabled MagicDKP sends a standby check to all guild members of the ranks listed below that are not in the raid.
- When enabled, a message is sent to guild chat and/or raid chat when an item is awarded
- When enabled, bidding will be closed early if everyone on the bid list has entered a bid or passed. Passing currently depends on MagicDKP Client - there's no passing mechanism in whisper bidding.
- When enabled, MagicDKP will hook into the XLootMaster addon to report loot events. This allows MagicDKP to register looting even when a player is out of range. Note that this might mean that an item is added without the player receiving it (for example due to a full inventory). In those instances MagicDKP will try to do duplicate detection and you'll be asked if you want to add another item for the event.
- When enabled, MagicDKP will listen to loot distribution events from MagicLooter Loot Menu.
- When enabled, MagicDKP will listen to loot events. If you're using an external loot notification (i.e the XLootMaster hook, MagicDKP Bidder or MagicLooter LootMenu), this is not needed nor recommended.
- When enabled, you'll be asked to confirm each auto started bid. Otherwise they are started without player interaction.
- When giving loot of this threshold or higher, ask for confirmation.
- When opening a loot windows, query for bidding automatically for items at or above this item quality.
- When recording loot, never ask for a bid value but add an entry. Useful if you done use DKP and just want to keep track of who gets what items.
- When the addon is disabled, it will not allow raids to be created or enable by itself. It will also not listen to loot events and such.
- Whether or not MagicDKP should track boss attempt wipes. If a boss is marked as being on farm status, no wipe tracking will be done.
- Whisper
- Whisper Bidding
- Whisper Keyword
- Whisper:
- Wipe
- Wipe Percentage
- World Boss
- XML Exports
- You need MagicLooter installed to use the disenchant and bank buttons. You can find it on