TWW Prepatch MicroMenu no longer shows tooltip #26

  • Kithhurrn created this issue Jul 24, 2024

    Since the TWW prepatch launched when mousing over Micromenu broker icon (using latest version of Titan Panel) the tooltip to select Achievements, Collections, Options, etc does not appear. Left clicking MM icon opens Character as default. Right clicking opens MM options. There don't appear to be any errors, just not getting the dropdown on mouseover to select anything.

  • LeFrog posted a comment Jul 29, 2024

    Yep, I have the same issue =)

  • dblanch369 posted a comment Jul 29, 2024

    Part of the problem is that blizzard changed the names of those in the API. (SpellbookMicroButton and TalentMicroButton became ProfessionMicroButton and PlayerSpellsMicroButton, respectively. Replacing those two at least allows the drop down menu to work.) I was able to replace enough to at least see the menu without erroring and making the other items selectable, but I don’t have all the stuff to fix the code. I think they even made “Game Menu” a protected function, as I can find no way to fix it nor did I see any changes to how it is called. Probably needs a hook script. 

    Edited Jul 29, 2024
  • yolocologne posted a comment Aug 28, 2024

    replace lines 177 through 218 with the following:


    if ProfessionMicroButton then
    		local y, x = tooltip:AddLine()
    		tooltip:SetCell(y, 1, path.."spells.tga", myProvider)
    		tooltip:SetCell(y, 2, _G.ProfessionMicroButton.tooltipText)
    		tooltip:SetLineScript(y, "OnMouseUp", MouseHandler, _G.ProfessionMicroButton)
    	if PlayerSpellsMicroButton then
    		local y, x = tooltip:AddLine()
    		tooltip:SetCell(y, 1, path.."talents.tga", myProvider)
    		tooltip:SetCell(y, 2, _G.PlayerSpellsMicroButton.tooltipText)
    		tooltip:SetLineScript(y, "OnMouseUp", MouseHandler, _G.PlayerSpellsMicroButton)

    Edited Aug 28, 2024

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