Brazilian Portuguese
All Namespaces
- %.1f times as often
- %s requires %s
- Addon options.
- Allows you to set the order that modifier items are picked.
- alpha
- Alpha after fadeout
- Alpha of button
- Alt
- Auto Summon
- Auto summon
- autoHideButton
- Automatically hide button
- autosummon
- Boost new companions
- boostNew
- boostNewTime
- Brewfest
- button
- Button
- buttonScale
- Cancel fade out if holding Alt
- Cancel fade out if holding Ctrl
- Cancel fade out if holding Shift
- Cancel fade out if in combat
- Cancel fadeout in combat
- Cancel fadeout on Alt
- Cancel fadeout on Ctrl
- Cancel fadeout on Shift
- Changes the key that needs to be held down to pick a modifer item.
- Check this to override the favorites settings for this companion.
- Check to make sure that equipment companions are equipped
- Children's Week
- Combat wait
- combatWait
- Companion
- Companion Enchants
- Companions
- Companions marked Exclusive will be the only ones picked from.
- Companions that should be picked more often if you have them in the selected zone.
- Companions that should be picked more often if you have them.
- Control
- Cycle to the next companion modifier item
- Day of the Dead
- default
- Delay until fadeout
- Disabled
- dismiss
- Dismisses the current companion (if a learned companion)
- Equipment
- equipmentCheck
- Ethereal Mutagen
- Exclusive
- exclusive
- Exquisite Murloc Leash
- Fade out
- Fade out delay
- Fade out instead of hiding
- Fade out time
- Fade the button out instead of hiding it?
- Fade the button out when the cursor is not over it?
- fadeOut
- fadeOutAlpha
- fadeOutCancelInCombat
- fadeOutCancelOnAlt
- fadeOutCancelOnCtrl
- fadeOutCancelOnShift
- fadeOutDelay
- fadeOutInsteadHide
- fadeOutTime
- favorites
- Favorites
- Feast of Winter Veil
- Fetch Ball
- Force a refresh of the list of all your companions.
- Force holiday only companions
- Force the picking of a new random companion
- Force to pick a quest companion if availiable
- forceQuestPet
- Frequency
- Get a companion for some company!
- Get code
- gui
- Hallow's End
- Happy Pet Snack
- Hide the button when you click it?
- hiding
- Holiday
- holidayOnly
- list
- List
- List all companions
- List all favorite companions
- List all zone favorite companions
- List of your companions [%i total]:
- List of your favorite companions:
- List of your zone favorite companions:
- Lock button position
- Lock/unlock the position of the button.
- lockButton
- locked
- Love is in the Air
- Magical Mini-Treat
- Magical Pet Biscuit
- Midsummer Fire Festival
- minipet
- MiniPet
- minipetItemModifier
- Modifier Items
- Modifier key for modifier items
- Move down
- Move down
- Move up
- Move up
- Moves the selected modifier down in the list.
- Moves the selected modifier up in the list.
- mp
- never
- New time
- newRandom
- nextItem
- no
- Noblegarden
- none
- Open GUI configurator
- options
- Options relating to the button.
- Override favorites
- Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit
- Pet Grooming Kit
- Pick Captured Pets
- pickCapturedPets
- Profile
- profile
- pvpSummon
- Quest
- Red Ribbon Pet Leash
- refresh
- Refresh
- Refresh companion list
- Rope Pet Leash
- Scale of button
- Set a companion to use when in a certain zone.
- Set for how many days companions are concidered new.
- Set how often the companion gets picked. 2 is twice as often and 0 is never.
- Sets how long the button takes to fade out.
- Sets the alpha value that the button has after faded out.
- Sets the alpha value that the button has normally.
- Sets the delay before the button starts to fade.
- Sets the scaling value for the button to make it bigger or smaller.
- Shift
- Should the button not fade out if you're holding Alt?
- Should the button not fade out if you're holding Ctrl?
- Should the button not fade out if you're holding Shift?
- Should the button not fade out if you're in combat?
- Show a list with all of your companions.
- Show a list with all of your favorite companions.
- Show a list with all of your zone favorite companions.
- Show button
- Show/hide the button.
- showing
- summon
- Summon Companion
- Summon in PvP areas
- Summoning %s
- Summons the current random companion (if a learned companion)
- Time until fadeout
- toggleButton
- Toggles if new companions will be selected more often than old ones.
- Toggles if pets which have been captured in the wild should be picked from.
- Toggles whether companions summoned by equipment will be suggested when the item is unequipped.
- Toggles whether companions that are learned should be automatically summoned any time they are not out.
- Toggles whether companions that are learned should be automatically unsummoned when stealthing/shadowmelding/etc.
- Toggles whether companions that are part of a quest are preferred instead of a random companion.
- Toggles whether companions will be automatically summoned when in a PvP area (battleground, arena, etc.).
- Toggles whether to only select companions which are only summonable during a holiday, when that holiday is occuring.
- Toggles whether to wait until after combat is over before automatically summoning.
- unlocked
- Unsummon when stealthed
- unsummonWhenStealthed
- yes
- Zone Favorites
- zoneFavorites
- Zones
- Zones in %s