Minimalist is a collection of miscellaneous UI tweaks and automations for building a minimal UI with minimal addons or using as the core of a compilation. Since I am using a very barebone laptop from time to time, I am planning to release an even more minimalistic version of Minimalist called Micromalist, stay tuned.
small update for WoW 6 (not all features work 100%). Playing on starter edition only and not much time at the moment
Tweaks included:
- Auto-Ignore Duels - As it says, auto ignores duel requests.
- Auto-Repair - Automatically repair all items when visiting an NPC that is able to repair.
- Auto-Resurrect - Automatically accepts Resurrections.
- Auto-Sell Grey Items - Automatically sell all grey (junk) items when visiting any merchant.
- Skip useless Gossips - Skips 'extra' vendor chatter and comes right to the point.
- Fix Arrow Keys - Lets your use [Left] and [Right] to move through the text you are typing needing to hold down the [Alt] key.
- Hide Buttons - Hides the buttons on the chat windows.
- Use [SHIFT] + [SCROLLWHEEL] to scroll the chat to top/bottom.
- Move Input Box - Moves the chat input box to the top of the chat frame.
- Reduce Chat Clutter - Tries to shorten chat channel names.
- Disable Chat Fading after inactivity.
- Handle various settings for hostile NamePlates (i.e. automatically show them during combat, resize based on threat...).
- Improved AutoLoot - automatically confirm BoP and disenchant notification.
- Better Reputation - Displays reputation numbers and progress in the chat box.
- Disable Gryphons - Removes the Gryphon graphic from default action bars.
- Display Quest Levels - Displays quest levels in Dialogs and Quest Tracker.
- Quest Automation - Automatically accept and turn-in Quests
- Hide Clutter - Turns off the zoom in/out buttons, titles box and the sun dial.
- Location X, Y - Adds your X, Y coordinates to the lower portion of the minimap.
- MouseWheel Zoom - Allows you to use the mouse wheel to zoom the minimap.
- Hide the tracking button.
Configuration is done through the standard Interface -> Addons configuration dialog. The console shortcut is gone and all tweaks that now are included in the standard client (i.e. Chat Time-Stamps) have been removed.
Author: whizkid - kudos to grennon (the original author?) and many others for their inspiring feature requests.
I will check that when I have time. Currently I don't have an active account to test. But I will try my best.
So long
Fixed it by commenting out line 140: "mod:SecureHook('QuestLog_Update')" of "Minimalist.lua" - WoD has changed the quest log, so I guess that's why this is breaking.
I love Minimalist. it's the best addon I've found. The only problem I'm having is that the minimap coords are blocked by the clock. I looked back through all the comments, but I didn't see where anyone else had that issue. Is there someway I can fix it?
Getting a chat error, just a display error, not .lua or anything major.
Basically what's happening is that when Minimalist detects a quest was accepted, it prints to the chat frame that you've accepted a quest (which is awesome with Quest Automation turned on.) Perhaps there is a missing closing bracket somewhere (or something) because what happens is instead of coloring the quest red/yellow/orange/green, it prints out the hex value for those colors depending on the quest. The quest name is still white/default.
Something like "Minimalist: Quest Accepted ffff00[Quest Name]"
I keep getting this error, I think since 5.3, and it goes away if I disable minimalist:
4x <string>:"Combubgcolorwarning:OnShow":1: attempt to index global "CombuOptLoc" (a nil value)
<string>:"*:OnShow":1: in function <string>:"*:OnShow":1
<in C code>
FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:204: in function "InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show"
FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:482: in function <FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:424>
<in C code>
Minimalist\Minimalist-r125.lua:512: in function "?"
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4388: in function <FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4334>
<in C code>
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4082: in function "ChatEdit_SendText"
FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4121: in function "ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed"
<string>:"*:OnEnterPressed":1: in function <string>:"*:OnEnterPressed":1
(*temporary) = InterfaceOptionsFrame {
0 = <userdata>
numTabs = 2
selectedTab = 2
(*temporary) = <func> =[C]:-1
I'll look into that and post an update soon.
Repacked and updated with small fixes and changes for WoW 5.0.5a
Quest Level in WatchFrame (to the right) is disabled for now. Quest Level is still working in Quest Log. Everything else should be working fine. If you have problems, please reset settings in Minimalist and restart WoW (or delete minimalist.lua in your SavedVariables manually).
I really love this addon but according to WoW this is still out of date and wont load without the check mark to load out of date addons is their an up date comming soon?
Please update this soon!
Love the addon. Originally got it to stop duel challenges which on a pvp server is really annoying. Love the other features.
My 2 cents, the better reputation and display quest levels options should be off by default. We're talking minimal and those options ADD to the interface.
keep up the great work :)
This is easily my favorite addon of all time. Before Min i was using x4 addon to do all these functions. I tried this on beta and seems to be working fine as well. look forward to continued support and help anyway i can thanks for this!!
Found an undocumented feature, in that, when I open my Jeeves with "Skip Useless Gossips" enabled, it takes me straight to my bank (I am an engineer). Trouble is, it effectively blocks me from accessing the vendor part of Jeeves.
According to Curse, I have the latest released version of Minimalist. Thank you for this wonderful addon.
Not sure if its something I am doing or a bug of some kind, but when trying to share a profile across multiple characters in this addon, it is not saving the setting for the profile. I am having to go back in and change the settings for each toon manually. Once I do that, it appears to save them, but anytime I make a change to that profile, it should automatically change across all of the toons set to that profile, and right now it does not appear to be doing that.
Same here. Might be cross server only, not sure.
No, it's not cross-server. My same-server alt army has the same issue.
Love this addon, it's a must have !
I fixed the repair function in r121 but removed the guild repair. Repair is now back to enabled/disabled and always uses your own money. The old numeric setting should be converted automatically.
Let me know if it still doesn't work. If it still repairs even with Autorepair disabled, please check other addons that possibly also trigger the Autorepair (best check with Minimalist enabled as the only active addon).
Have fun
What was wrong with the old option to use self OR guild repair?
Is it possible to re-implement this feature please? :)
I have loved minialist ever since i started playing wow...yet this time uninstalling and deleteing the file, resetting the profile and even clearing all addons and reloading does not fix the auto-repair function!!! it started after upgrading to r119....when it is on repair with own money it works, when its on guild repair it works...but again when its DISABLED it still repairs with my money...
thanks for one of the best addons!! just cant use right now with this problem...
I will lokk into that but it might be caused by a different addon? Self repair always worked for me... For the Quest Level display, I don't have a fix at the moment, we will see.