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1x Misspelled/Misspelled.lua:1417: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)[string "@Misspelled/Misspelled.lua"]:1417: in function `CreateInterfaceOptions'[string "@Misspelled/Misspelled.lua"]:177: in function <Misspelled/Misspelled.lua:141>[string "=[C]"]: ?[string "@Rarity/Libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <...aceRarity/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:61>[string "@Rarity/Libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:494: in function `InitializeAddon'[string "@Rarity/Libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:619: in function <...aceRarity/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:611>
Locals:self = <table> { baseName = "Misspelled" modules = <table> { } defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } name = "Misspelled" orderedModules = <table> { } hooks = <table> { } enabledState = true Version = "1.8.2" defaultModuleState = true}cfgFrame = Frame { name = "Misspelled"}cfgFrameHeader = OVERLAY {}cfgFrameReloadTip = OVERLAY {}cfgAutoSelectDict = Misspelled_cfgAutoSelectDict { Text = Misspelled_cfgAutoSelectDictText { } text = Misspelled_cfgAutoSelectDictText { }}cfgDictdeDE = Misspelled_cfgDictdeDE { Text = Misspelled_cfgDictdeDEText { } text = Misspelled_cfgDictdeDEText { }}cfgDictenGB = Misspelled_cfgDictenGB { Text = Misspelled_cfgDictenGBText { } text = Misspelled_cfgDictenGBText { }}cfgDictenUS = Misspelled_cfgDictenUS { Text = Misspelled_cfgDictenUSText { } text = Misspelled_cfgDictenUSText { }}cfgDictesES = Misspelled_cfgDictesES { Text = Misspelled_cfgDictesESText { } text = Misspelled_cfgDictesESText { }}cfgDictfrFR = Misspelled_cfgDictfrFR { Text = Misspelled_cfgDictfrFRText { } text = Misspelled_cfgDictfrFRText { }}cfgDictruRU = Misspelled_cfgDictruRU { Text = Misspelled_cfgDictruRUText { } text = Misspelled_cfgDictruRUText { }}cfgDictitIT = Misspelled_cfgDictitIT { Text = Misspelled_cfgDictitITText { } text = Misspelled_cfgDictitITText { }}cfgEditUserDict = EdutUserDictButton { Right = Texture { } Left = Texture { } fitTextWidthPadding = 40 Text = EdutUserDictButtonText { } Middle = Texture { } fitTextCanWidthDecrease = true}(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = Frame { name = "Misspelled"}(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)"L = <table> { Removing the following words from the user dictionary = "Removing the following words from the user dictionary" Cancel = "Cancel" Edit User Dictionary... = "Edit User Dictionary..." Note: reload the game UI to load a different selected dictionary = "Note: reload the game UI to load a different selected dictionary" Dictionary Loaded = "Dictionary Loaded" Auto Select Dictionary to Load = "Auto Select Dictionary to Load" User Dictionary = "User Dictionary" Add to Dictionary = "Add to Dictionary" Ignore All = "Ignore All" (Guild) = "(Guild)" (Friend) = "(Friend)" User Dictionary Loaded = "User Dictionary Loaded" Select words to remove: = "Select words to remove:" Suggestions for: = "Suggestions for:"}Misspelled = <table> { baseName = "Misspelled" modules = <table> { } defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } name = "Misspelled" orderedModules = <table> { } hooks = <table> { } enabledState = true Version = "1.8.2" defaultModuleState = true}
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