Traditional Chinese
All Namespaces
- Border Highlight Color
- c
- Choose which guilds will display item counts on tooltips
- Click|r to toggle the Vault window
- date_format
- Frame Alpha
- Frame Strata
- g
- Global Scale
- Guilds
- Item and Tab Alpha
- Item Border Color
- Item Slot Padding
- Mobile Guild Vault
- Remove Guilds
- Right-click|r to open the options menu
- s
- Selected Tab Color
- Set the alpha of the item slots and the tab buttons.
- Set the alpha of the vault frame.
- Set the amount of space between the item slots.
- Set the amount of spacing between the tab buttons.
- Set the color for the tooltip text
- Set the color of all the vault text.
- Set the color of the borders when highlighted.
- Set the color of the item slot borders.
- Set the color of the selected tab's border.
- Set the color of the tab button borders.
- Set the color of the vault frame.
- Set the global scale.
- Set the strata level of the frame.
- Tab
- Tab Border Color
- Tab Button Spacing
- Text Color
- Toggle Frame
- Tooltip Options
- Tooltip Text Color
- Vault Frame Color
- Vault Options
- Vault:
Phrase Key:
Border Highlight Color
Base Namespace
Border Highlight Color
Revision history: