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Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0
It keeps spamming it periodically in dungeons (AFAIK). Maybe elsewhere too.
!BugGrabber - r164 _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay _NPCScan.Overlay.Broker - v1.0.3 Acherus Runes - 1.0.3 Addon Control Panel - r137 Altoholic - Altoholic 4.0.005 Archy - Archaeology Assistant - 1.6.3 ArkInventory - 3.02.72 Atlas - Atlas v1.18.0 Atlasloot Enhanced - v6.01.02 Attrition - 2.4.3-1.1 Auctionator - Version 2.8.4 AuldLangSyne - r276 BetterQuest - v2 Broker uClock - v3.3.2 Broker_AuctionsToGo - 0.1-beta14 Broker_Location - 1.2.14 Broker_Portals - r142 BugSack - r245 ButtonFacade - r344 ButtonFacade: Apathy - r84 ButtonFacade: Caith - r64 ButtonFacade: Darkscail - ButtonFacade: Darkscail ButtonFacade: LiteStep - r55 ButtonFacade_Dek2 - ButtonFacade_Dek2 cBroker: Recount - cBroker: Recount 1.01 ChocolateBar Broker Display - r121 clcInfo - r172 Clique - v40000-1.3.2 Decursive - DocsNameplates - DocsNameplates r56 Dominos - 1.20.4 DrDamage - r1560 eAlign - 4.0.2 EnsidiaFails - 3.802-BETA-LFr10 eQueue - 4.0.4 Examiner - 10.12.18 ExpStats - v4.0.3.2 ForteXorcist - v1.972 FuBar 3.6 - r38 FuBar2Broker - r88-release Gatherer - 3.2.3 GathererDB WoWHead - 2009.09.12 Golden Ticket - r17 Grid - 1.40000.1400-beta GridAutoFrameSize - 2.4.1 GridDynamicLayout - v1.5.4 GridIndicatorCornerIcons - r61 GridIndicatorCornerPlus - r53 GridIndicatorCornerText - 1.4.2 GridIndicatorIconBar - v1.4.1 GridIndicatorSideIcons - r67 GridIndicatorSideText - 1.4.2 GridIndicatorText3 - r58 GridManaBars - v1.03 GridSideIndicators - v4.0.1-2 GridStatusDungeonRole - GridStatusDungeonRole 1.2.0 GridStatusMTs - 40000-1 GridStatusParty - r38 GridStatusRaidDebuff - r288 GridStatusRaidIcons - 40000-2 GridStatusRes - r59 GridUnitMenu - 40000.0 hfLootRoll - 1.2.4 HudMap - v1.2 InspectEquip - 1.8.0 LibBabble-Zone-3.0 - 4.0-release10 LibRock-1.0 - r298 LibTourist-3.0 - r112 LushGearSwap - LushGearSwap-V2.2.0 ManyItemTooltips - 3.0.4 Mapster - 1.4.0-8-gc87c6f3 MBB - v4.01 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.5.91 Moncai Quest Tracker - v4.0.1-beta MoveAnything - 11.4.5 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.0 OmniCC - 4.0.waffles10 OPie - Golf 1 oRA3 - r482 Ovale Spell Priority - r341 Panda - PassLoot - r124 Peggle - Peggle Addon for WoW v1.02c Postal - r326 Prat 3.0 - r761 Quartz - 3.0.4-3-gda87e5d QuestHelper - QuestHelper-4.0.3a.75r RaidWatch 2 - 1.46-2-gface74b RatingBuster - r324 Recount - v4.0.1d release ReforgedTooltip - 1.0.3 Reforgenator - v1.1.4 SatrinaBuffFrame - 3.1.25 Sell-O-Matic - v1.3.0 SexyCooldown - v0.6.18-3-g3d77c2d SexyMap - v1.2.4 SexyMap Tracker Button Fix (Minimap Button Frame) - V1.0.0 BETA Shadowed Unit Frames - v3.3.2-1-ge77455c shPerformance (fps/latency/memory) - r1 Skillet - 2.12 Talented - r713 tekKompare - T-Examiner + Talented FIX - v1.0.1 TimeToDie - v1.3 TipTac - 10.12.06 TipTacTalents - 10.10.27 TomTom - v40000-1.0.9 ToolTipTabs - Development Version TourGuide - UnderAchiever - Automatic Fake Achievement Links! - UnderAchiever_v4 Volumizer - r61 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 - 3.5.1 XLoot 1.0 - XLoot 1.0.9 YurrCombatLog - r280
Same thing happens to me every time I mouse over an NPC
To elaborate a bit, this can occur if you right-click and choose not to display completed quests or distant zones, and this causes you to have no quests displayed in the tracker anymore.
Please let me know if this still happens in 4.1.0-beta. If so, I'll try to fix it!
I'm getting the same error reported, seems to happen almost everytime something related to the mod happens, eg tracking/untracking a quest, ontaining a new quest, un/displaying completed quests etc. I typically get 2 of these errors printed anytime anything happens.
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