All Namespaces
- points
- %s DKP
- %s. Use this option if this is an off-spec item but you are still interested.
- %s. Use this option if you are able to use this item, but would prefer someone else take it first. Alternatively use this button if you have ALREADY received loot.
- %s. Use this option if you do not need this item
- %s. Use this option if you want this item and it is onspec.
- |c00FF0000OUTDATED MORGBID2!|r |c0000FF00Please update at|r
- All frames
- Autoclose results
- Automatically close results frame after auction ends.
- Background color
- Background texture
- Bid result lines
- Bidding tooltip options
- Border color
- Border texture
- Combat lockdown
- Developer mode
- Direction additional result frames should grow. ie BOTTOM adds new frame under current one.
- Disables result frames while in combat.
- Disables the tooltip hints.
- DKP list lines
- Font
- Font size
- General options
- Grow direction
- Hide hints
- Maximum number of lines before creating a scrollframe for bid results.
- Maximum number of lines before creating a scrollframe for dkplist.
- MorgBid2
- Mousewheel up - Increase bid. Mousewheel down - decrease bid. SHIFT-KEY - change bid by +/-1 (or bidstep) ALT-KEY - change bid by +/-20 CTRL-KEY - change bid by +/-100 Click - respond %s
- Mousewheel up/Left Click - Increase bid. Mousewheel down/Right Click - decrease bid. SHIFT-KEY - change bid by +/-1 (or bidstep) ALT-KEY - change bid by +/-20 CTRL-KEY - change bid by +/-100
- Options
- Receiving DKP data...
- Reset default frame positions.
- Reset frames
- Result Font
- Result fontsize
- Result Frame options
- Show ALL results
- Shows the DKP listing of the current item after the auction ends.
- Shows the result tooltip even if you are NOT included in the auction.
- UP
- Use result tooltip