MorgBid2 allows a window to pop up to so that raid members can vote NEED, TAKE (greed), OFFSPEC(greed offspec) or PASS on loot in endgame instances. Every member of the raid must have MorgBid2 installed in order to vote.
Please help localize here.
Bid Values:
- NEED = item is onspec and you really want it (ie big upgrade rare->epic)
- TAKE = item is onspec and a decent upgrade or you don't want it really badly
- OFFSPEC = item is offspec but you would like it for your offspec set
- PASS = no thanks
Continuation of MorgBid with new features:
- customizable bid texts (ie person running MorgDKP2 can change the NEED/TAKE etc texts to anything they want)
- customisable fonts/frames
- dkplist appears in tablet instead of whispers
- bid results are sent to a tablet instead of raid chat (can disable) and can update as people vote
Format: dkplist [pool] [class/all] [class] ...
If you just whisper dkplist it will return your class only. If you are in a raid it will return the people currently in the raid otherwise it will return everyone of that class in the database. If you are transmitting a lot of data (guild and all) it may take a moment for the list to appear.
If you enter a valid pool it will return the DKP for that pool.
Bid Results: Bid results are automatically sent during the auction and updated as people reply. In BidWar silent mode bid results are not shown until the master looter clicks to award the item in MorgDKP2. If you do not wish to receive the summary tablet just disable it in the options. You can also always show the results frame now even if you are not involved in the auction.(/morgbid2)
- /morgbid2 to access
- Hide hints - hides the hints on need/greed/take hover
- Use results tooltip - enable to receive (updating) bid results
- Show ALL results - enable to show results even if you are not involved in the auction
- Autoclose results - enable to automatically close results frame when the masterlooter clicks the MorgDKP2 award frame
- Combat lockdown - enable to not have results frames pop up in combat (bid frames still will)
- Bid result/DKPlist lines - number of lines to show on the respective tooltip
- Grow direction - direction results frames will populate on top of each other (up/down/left/right)
- Font and frame options - self explanatory
If you change any setting such as font the frames will popup and you can move them where you would like them to be situated. Frames are designed so when you close one they rearrange and pop into the spot of the frame you closed so ideally you dont have to move your mouse to bid/close frames.
Note: If you have the disappearing result frame problem (only appears first time) then turn on Autoclose results and it will not happen anymore. If you turn it on AFTER the frame has already disappeared you will need to reloadUI.
Thanks for the report. Rewriting a few things to improve frame useage so I will check it out.
I had someone in my raid the other night get an error from MorgBid2...
Interface\AddOns\MorgBid2\MorgBid2.lua: 652: Usage: GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(link)
It happened right when I listed 4 items, and one of her loot popups had no item in it. It had the DKP cost, their DKP, and the three buttons, but no item icon, and therefore she couldn't see what they were rolling on.
It didn't happen every time, which is part of what confuses me...
Edit: May also be noteworthy that bracers she already had won the night before dropped again? The screenshot I saw (Her printscreen button is broken, so it was a picture of the screen taken by a digital camera and I couldn't see all the loot windows) had the item she already owned there, above the blank loot window.
Yeah that's a good idea I have been considering. I will work on it:)
Feature request: enable the whisper bid system can be configured to optionally accept an itemlink in place of the item number.
example: mbid <itemlink> take
Thank you for taking the time to develop these addons. I have found them invaluable for handling DKP for my guild.
Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't put 2 and 2 together to realize that MorgBid2 meant a MorgDKP2, disregard those over there. I'm trying to use the new ones.
I took a look at your tickets under MorgDKP but I have no intention of making it work with patch sorry. MorgDKP2 is the replacement.
Okay, this was just posted yesterday, so despite the fact that MorgDKP is listed as abandoned, I can see you are still around. Would you mind terribley swinging by there and taking a look at the tickets I posted? Seems like you might be the only DKP mod author still around. :(